Chapter 46 - One Last Hurrah

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This is it. Our last night getting ready for drinks, our last night having drinks at the bar. I'd made sure to leave out one of my favorite dresses for my last night here. After Stella and I were finished getting ready we did a quick clean up knowing very well we would not want to clean up when we got back tonight or tomorrow morning when we would most likely be hungover.

We finished the last of the bottle of vodka we had under Stella's bed and took a few pics before we left. I posted a picture on Instagram of me and Stel with the caption. Last night here 😢 I had tons of comments flooding through from everyone from home. Most with pure excitement for us returning. Oh, I couldn't wait to be with them.

We heard a knock on our door and Caden walked in with Nick.

"Ready girls?" Caden said, excitement in his voice to go out drinking. I could tell he was gonna go crazy tonight.

Nick made a twit-two sound as he walked in. "Saw you two girls' posts." He mocked our poses. "Last night..." He mimicked.

"Shut up Nick you love us," Stella said applying her lip gloss.

"Hold up guys, I think I'm gonna shed a tear." He joked.

We laughed. "You say that but I bet you'll be the one crying tomorrow," I said.

"Why would I cry? I can't wait to go back home. I'm more upset I can't drink too much tonight 'cause I'm driving tomorrow."

"Wait like on a real serious note," Stella stressed. "This is our last night together as a four and we may never do this together again so can we just like... pause time for two seconds."

"We're all gonna be living together when we get back Stella." Caden pointed out.

"I know. But it won't be the same." She cried.

I put my arm around her. "I love you, and I've enjoyed every second here with you, and guess what? we didn't fall out once!"

"Love you too, girl." She said hugging me tightly.

"Okay, ready?" I said with a smile.

"Ready!" they all said.


I was surprised at how many people had come to our leaving party. Out of all the summer staff who'd had a drink goodbye I think ours had the most show up. I'd been throwing drinks down like no other, hugging everyone and anyone. I've made so many amazing memories with these people and I'm sad to see this part of my life end.

Taylor clung onto me, her face nearly in tears, "I don't want you to go!" She cried.

I could barely stand. "You can come visit me anytime you're my friend for life! For life!!"

"One question... are all the guys there like Kai?"

I laughed, "Theres three types of guys where I come from. There's a Kai... or... there's a Nick or Caden."

She laughed back, "Better off staying here then!"

I left the bar going for a cigarette, already juggling with everything in my bag, I'd drank that much. I got out a cig, lit it up and laid back against the wall behind me. I closed my eyes...

He's still not here. Logan hasn't come to say goodbye.

Surely, he will though. He must do. Austin's here, Dylan's here. Even Fry showed up for a drink. I tried not to think about it I wanted to enjoy my night but knowing that he may never come made me feel sick. He hasn't answered my message either.

"Laney!" I heard a voice inside. "Laney hurry up, there's a shot here for you!"

Fuck it. I'm not letting myself think about it. When I look back at my time here, yes I'll think about Logan and our summer romance. But I'll be damned if I always remember being a soppy heartbroken mess on my last night. I finished off my cig and threw it to the ground. Then I rushed inside and grabbed the shot off the table and downed it in one go.


It was late. The music was loud. I couldn't even remember half of the night. I know I had a heart to heart with pretty much everyone here. Can't remember what I said but hopefully it was all good. I was being swung around by Nick, dancing to the music, uncontrollably laughing over god knows what. I spun around and...

He's there. I saw Logan leaning over at the end of the bar. I didn't even stop myself I walked straight over to him. He didn't even see me coming.

"You came!" I beamed, squishing up next to him.

He gave me a quick smile over his shoulder and looked ahead of him again. He didn't turn to face me. "Of course I did." He said confused.

"Well, you're late? Come on dance with me!"

He chuckled at me, "I don't think I'm quite at your level yet." He said it with annoyance in his tone. He stood there sipping on his beer and chewing on his lips.

"Then you better drink up!" I laughed.

He didn't laugh, he didn't smile. He turned his whole body to look at me, staring at me for the longest time. Studying all of my face. He grabbed his drink on the bar drinking the rest of its contents and placing it down again. When he looked back at me he gave me a calming smile. "Enjoy your night, Laney." He said calmly. Then he swiftly pushed himself back from the bar and walked away.

I'd leant against the bar, looking down. What? Why did he just leave? And why did I feel like that was the last time I'll ever see him? His face, it was like he was at peace. He didn't look at me like he used to. I can understand why, but I don't like it.

"Another drink, Laney?" Emmett called over the bar.

I looked up at him, "please."


Even later. God knows what time it is. I'm surprised I've made it this long. I tried to keep up with everyone but felt myself slipping. I'm gonna spew I know it.

I knew I wouldn't make it upstairs so I ran out the back. I quickly made it out the door and released everything in my gut. Oh god. Fuck.

I struggled getting myself back up again. Two arms held my sides I couldn't even see who it was my eyes were so sleepy.

"Come on..." they said.

They lead me to an outside table and propped me up. I opened my eyes and saw my Logan sat in front of me. He's still here. I touched my palm to his cheek.

"You're here with me." I spoke.

He brought me close, "of course I am. I'll message Stella let her know you're out here."

"No, I want you not Stella." I fought.

He ignored me, "I'll stay here till she finds us."

"You're so comfy..." I said falling into his chest. He felt so warm, so safe. I was so, so sleepy.

He held me in his arms wrapping me up, closing me into him. He leant his head in close. "You're my greatest comfort..." he whispered.

Comfort... I felt soothed in the words.

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