Chapter 37 - Unfolded

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Monday, 1st of August

We'd cleaned up all our cleaning things and grabbed everything, stuffing it in the buggy to take it back to the shed. Logan wasn't working today, it was his day off and I hadn't seen him around, I think he's gone to spend the day with his brother.

Last day cleaning these cabins and I'm kind of sad. I enjoyed spending time with Kaley and Caden I don't usually work with them during the day. And of course, working with Logan...

Caden walked over to Stella, Kaley, and me, a little happy smile on his face.

"You know what? I'm gonna miss doing up these cabins, it's been better than being stuck in that Kitchen." He said, leaning on the golf cart. "Shall we celebrate? We can go get some cans from the shop and sit by the lake for the evening."

"Yes, sounds amazing!" Kaley beamed.

I grabbed the last of the equipment, stuffing the mop and bucket in the back. "I'd love to, but I've got Murphy's house to clean," I said.

"Why did you ever agree to that?" Stella whined.

"The money? Fear of Murphy maybe?" I joked. Though I don't think I'm joking.

"You're scared of Murphy?" Kaley laughed.

I looked at Kaley, "come on you have to admit he's kind of interrogating,"

"Murphy's only ever been nice to me!" She beamed.

"He's nice but... scary I don't know," I laughed, then I looked up at Murphy's house.

I wonder if he's in there now?

I took a deep breath and sighed, "Well, I better go. If I finish in time I might come join ya."

I climbed into the buggy and drove away waving goodbye. I chugged up the road towards Murphy's house. I'd gotten used to doing his house now. Most of the time he's never in there. When he has been there he usually just keeps to himself and only checks up on me the odd time. For a man who lives alone, he's very messy. Sometimes I get shocked by how much of a mess he can make within one week.

Once I got out and to his door, I lightly knocked opening the door. "Hello," I called, "Murphy?" There was no answer, he mustn't be in. I let myself in and got a start on cleaning downstairs. I finished polishing in the living room and then made my way to the kitchen. I started cleaning the dishes admiring the view out of the window. I looked out to see what exactly Murphy would see if he was trying to watch us. To be honest, there wasn't much and I have good eyesight. You could see Logan's Cabin and you could see a few of the ones we were cleaning today. How did he find out about us before?

"Hello, Miss Mckenzie." I jumped at the sound of Murphy's voice.

Oh, my god. That's not creepy at all...

I spun around, he was standing at the other end of the kitchen with a bottle of Budweiser in his hand. His eyes were half open and his head was wobbling on his shoulders.

He's drunk... oh god...I do not want to deal with this right now.

"Murphy, you scared me, I didn't think you were in." My tone was light and friendly, I had my hand on my chest, steadying my breath. "Are you okay?"

He frowned and scoffed. "How're the cabins coming along?"

He's definitely not okay...

"Good," I smiled hesitantly, nodding my head. "We finished them all today actually."

"Are they shit?" He stumbled forward.

I tried not to laugh.

"Are you sure you're okay Murphy?" I questioned.

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