Chapter 7 - Nosing Around

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Tuesday, 14th of June

It's been a whole week working at the resort. By now I'd got a hang of cleaning the Cabins. The Sunday before last, I ended up doing most of them myself before Stella woke up and eventually found me. She was really apologetic but I honestly didn't mind. I had some time to think about my life and my new reality of living and working in this place.
Most evenings, after Stella and I had finished cleaning, we would grab some cans from the little shop and go sit by the lakeside.

Sometimes we'd go to the Tree Trunk bar for a few drinks, that's usually where we would find Nick and Caden. So far, we had met Burke, a local man who works in the shop, Mauricio and Emmet bartenders at the Tree Trunk, a few lifeguards whose cabins are next to ours, and a really sweet, pretty girl Taylor. She was our age and a waitress in the restaurant.

Sometimes she would come down with us to the lake to hang out and luckily we all got given the day off on Thursday cause of the lack of residents, so she drove us out of the resort and to a little spot with a waterfall. We had a picnic and bathed in the sun by the water all day. She lives in the local town, so she's been filling us in on all the gossip around this place.

I'd seen Logan around a few times too but it was almost like he was avoiding me. I went up to talk to him once and he made some pathetic excuse to leave the conversation. He's probably not interested but can I not just talk to him like a friend?

Apparently, Logan's quite popular around town. He and his brothers visit the bars there often. I didn't know Logan had brothers, but they don't work here. Their mother had unfortunately died six years ago after a brain haemorrhage. Something that tore the Town up really bad as she was loved by everyone. Taylor did make a comment about Logan having a habit of bringing random girls back from town quite often. Not that there's anything wrong with it. It just confirmed my suspicions.


Every morning Stella and I would go straight to reception, grab the map off the desk and climb in the buggy. We'd start by getting everything we need from the shed, start on the public toilets, then we'd get a call through the walkie-talkie on whose departed to clean the cabins. We usually got done by 05:00pm but Murphy said we'll finish quicker the more we do it. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed housekeeping. You can play your music, have the tv on in the background, Stella and I would have fun and best of all we don't have to deal with customers! As long as you get the job done nobody really seemed to care. The only problem is I get in my head too much. That's why I like having Stella there because she can talk and talk.
This morning's map had barely any scribbles on it. There were barely any arrivals, but hardly any departures either.

"Brilliant," said Stella. "We basically have like five cabins then were done for the day."

We both ran to the buggy to be the first to drive it. I don't know why we obsess over that. Stella won and she sped us both down the hill. I was in stitches laughing as she made us fly through the resort. An old couple we passed jumped as we zoomed past.

"Sorry" I cried out. She's going to get us into trouble. We stopped at the bottom, I jumped out to grab what we needed and got back in. Again she stomped on the pedal and I jolted as we sped off.

"You're gonna kill us" I laughed." Stella, you're nuts."

"Hey, I have an idea," she declared. "How about we do separate cabins today?"

"Why?" I said.

"Well I was thinking because you did most of them on our first day, I'll do the three and you finish after the second one." She explained.

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