Chapter 38 - Hopeful

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Tuesday, 2nd of August

I don't even know where to start. Yesterday evening was probably the weirdest day of my life... and I've had many weird days. I mean... Dylan was right. That was impeccably perfect timing for the situation that was unfolding.

I can't believe Murphy had been doing this, this whole time. How could he? He's known those boys since they were only little, has he no care at all? He really only cared about the money and there was nothing the boys could do.

But this should be a good new start for Logan. The resort is his! Well, it's his brothers and his, but that's good, this is what he wanted. After the shock of yesterday's events had settled in, the boys were surprisingly quiet. I think they felt angrier over the time they'd lost because of what Murphy had done. Six years. Six years he'd gotten away with, and those six years he had completely ruined the resort and spent all its money. Logan had walked me back to my Cabin but he didn't speak a word. He was still in shock. When we got to the steps he apologized, told me that he'd message me then walked off still in a confused daze.

It's terrible. Murphy is a horrible man.


When I woke up this morning I checked my phone. A message from Logan.

Logan: We're having a staff meeting in the entertainment hall. 08:30

Oh, okay... better get ready then.

I had a shower and got dressed. Then Stella and I went up to the square, and to the entertainment hall. We made sure we were on time, this time. I'd told her last night what had happened. She was shocked, of course, but loved hearing the drama. She even tried to leave the cabin to find the police car but I assured her it had already gone.

After we parked up we walked in to find we were the first there, and straight away I saw Logan sitting on the stage.

"Logan!" I called.

He looked up and jumped down approaching me. He surprised me when he didn't stop, wrapping his arms around me and embracing me tightly in a hug. I think this is the first time I've ever properly hugged him. I completely relaxed into him, I felt like it was needed for both our sakes.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah..." he said taking a deep breath in. After a while, he pulled away, looking down at me. I gave him a reassuring smile.

He didn't look okay... "This is a lot, Laney... I can't believe he's been doing this, this whole time."

"I know, I can't tell you how sorry I am. But thank god he's been found out. Have you heard any more news?"

"Austin's talking with some people now... it's happened so fast and residents are asking why the police keep coming in. It's fucking stressful."

"Hey, it's okay" I stroked his arm, giving him an encouraging smile, "We'll help, we all will. The whole town loves you and your brothers, they'll want to help you out."

He nodded his head, "Yeah, hopefully."

"You've still got Nick as your assistant manager for a while." I cringed.

He chuckled, shaking his head, "That makes me feel better," he said sarcastically.

I lifted my eyebrows in agreement. "'ve got me..." I said, lifting my tone.

He made a little smile but then it dropped and he looked at me with a troubled look on his face.

I searched for his eyes, "Im here till the end of summer," I said optimistically. "We've got like a whole month, I can help you with all the... paperwork-y stuff... I'm not the best but I can try..."

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