Chapter 26 - Falling

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After finishing the cabins off Stella drove the buggy down to the shed and I took my caddy walking up to Murphy's. Hopefully, today won't take me too long, but tomorrow is my day off so I don't really mind. I got into his house and went straight upstairs to start making his bed.

I'd just finished cleaning his en-suite when I heard the door open and close downstairs.

"Laney?" It's Logan's voice. Oh, shit. I haven't prepared what to say to him. Fuck.

I thought about hiding under the bed or in the ottoman but the idea seemed stupid when I thought about how embarrassing it would be if Logan just found me in there. I awkwardly stood in Murphy's room and didn't say anything. Logan came running up the stairs and saw me straight away. My breathing already started to quicken at the sight of him, my face starting to blush, remembering him on top of me the night before.

He looked confused. "Are you okay? You haven't been answering your phone."

"I..." I hesitated.

"You weren't with Stella at the shed, I thought you were ill or something" He walked closer to me. "Have I done something?" He started to look stressed, his eyes were full of concern.

I watched as he gently held my arm and a wave rushed through my body, I had a heartbeat in my core.

"It's nothing." I tried to laugh. "I'm fine." I turned away and tried to carry on cleaning.

"Laney, you fucked off outta there like right after we finished? Then you don't answer my messages?" He let out a stressed laugh.

"I sent you a message telling you I was good." I shrugged, keeping my back to him.

"You think I believe that?"

I grabbed the polish out of the caddy and started polishing the surfaces.

He made a growling noise. "You're driving me fucking nuts!" he came up to me and held me to face him. "Talk to me!"

I looked up at him with panic in my eyes. He had heat radiating off of him.

"I got scared okay," I admitted.

"Scared of me?" he croaked with pain in his face.

"Not like that kind of scared, like... scared of... how I felt." I looked down.

"You didn't enjoy it." His voice trailed off.

"No!" I looked up at him. "I..."

I kept recalling the memory of last night, how do I even tell him how I felt?

"It was great, like the best sex of my life, great."

His eyes widened and I turned away not being able to handle his reaction and continued polishing.

He was silent behind me. I could just hear his breath inhaling, exhaling.

He gulped, "So what's wrong then?"

I started scrubbing the surfaces harder in frustration. "Everything... everything just feels wrong... wrong timing, wrong place."

He looked confused. "What are you talking about? it doesn't have to be that serious, between us."

That's the problem...

"I know..." I looked back at him, "I'm just scared it will start to get more than that..."

He laughed, "Are you scared you're gonna fall in love with me?"

I made a face, not knowing what to say.

His face dropped a little, his eyes widening in fear when he saw my reaction. "Are you?"

"No!" I stressed. "Of course not, I just meant... I want us to both be on the same page! I'm only here for the summer Logan. We can't risk... getting our feelings hurt."

He frowned and scanned my face. "Right... of course. Well, we both know that our hearts are safe."

I think. "I know..."

I couldn't believe it... how have I got here? I told myself I wouldn't have any more meaningless sex and now I have feelings for the guy? But is it feelings? I don't think Stella's right, I hardly know him I'm just in lust with him. He's a very passionate lover and I've never experienced that my brain is confused that's all.

"So we can sleep with each other and you won't run away?" He smiled.

"I know plenty of guys who would love it if the girl left straight after sex."

He chuckled, "Well, if we're gonna be on the same page. I'll let you know that I don't mind you staying over."

"As cute as that is. It's way too risky. Let's not forget why we're sneaking around in the first place?"

"Can you at least stay for a while?" His face turned softer. Who would have known he was this sensitive?


He hesitated like he didn't want to tell me, or he was trying to think of some reason. "I like your company."

Stop. He's not helping me with these feelings for him.

I tried not to get lost in his eyes. I quickly looked away again. "Yeah, if we can get away with it."

"Why'd you keep looking away from me?"

I looked back at him, "I don't? what are you talking about?" I tried my best poker face whilst looking at him.

He smiled at me cheekily, like he was testing me. Stepping closer to me and making a small sigh when he breathed.

"Stop." I pushed him away trying not to smile. "I've got to finish cleaning in here, so can you go?"

He laughed, "That's it? you want me to leave?"

"I have work to do and you're distracting me."

He bit his lower lip, then he pulled at my hand bringing me closer and planting a kiss on my lips. I closed my eyes and tried to compose myself.

How can he make me feel like that over a simple kiss?

"Ya know. Murphys beds right there," he whispered suggestively.

"No," I pushed him away again. "Not happening. Go!"

He laughed and threw his head back. "I'm going." He started to walk out the door then he turned to look at me. "Hey, Laney..."

"What?" I huffed.

"Don't fall in love with me whilst I'm gone will ya." he teased.

"Shut up!" I laughed.

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