Chapter 23 - Extra Hours

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Monday, 27th of June

"Eww, eww," Stella squealed. She jumped away throwing the covers from her hands. We were on our third cabin of the day and she'd just gone to strip the bed.

"What?" I gasped. "What is it?"

She shook her hand and squirmed in the corner. "It's a fucking condom." She whelped. "It touched my pinky... ew."

I burst out laughing. "Are you serious?" I moved closer to the bed to find the little bit of plastic lying on the sheets. "Oh, god, that's... a lot!" I gagged.

"Why me?!" Stella cried.

"Go wash your hand Stella" I giggled. "This is why we wear gloves."

She ran to the bathroom, scurrying past me, and turning on the tap, I heard her frantically cleaning her finger. "I am never risking this happening again." Her voice echoed.

I laughed whilst removing the bit of plastic into a little binliner. Of course, whilst wearing gloves. "eww" I gagged again. "Whoever was staying in this room has no fucking respect for us. Like... come on, clean something like that yourself."

I went into Stella, she was sitting on the toilet with her head in her hands. Then she looked up at me, "I think I forgot that a summer away working in a resort actually includes having to work." she sighed.

I leaned against the door frame, "Are you enjoying yourself here?" I asked her.

"Yeah" she insisted. "Don't get me wrong, it's had its ups and downs but I actually am really enjoying myself... are you?"

I paused for a moment, thinking about it. "Strangely yeah. I mean it's the strangest place but there's like a feeling I love here I don't know."

"Cringe." she snorted.

"Shut up, you know what I mean... Like, I just like it here."

"You like Logan?" She teased.

"No." I snapped, a bit too harshly. "Not anymore, anyway," I said in a softer tone looking down. I hope she doesn't see through me.

"Oh, since when?" She asked shocked.

"The other day, I just think he's bad for me, a repeat of Kai ya know?" I thought what I was saying was a lie but saying it aloud kind of felt like the truth.

"I can't keep up with you." She laughed.

I hate lying to her.

She got up from the toilet. "Can I tell you something..." She looked away suspiciously.

"What is it?" I questioned.

She shuffled uncomfortably and sighed, smiling. "I, ss-pt w-c-dn," she whispered, unclearly.

"Huh?" I said puzzled.

"I slept with Caden." She whispered louder.

I squealed. "Seriously!" I lept at her in excitement. "Oh, my god! You actually slept with him! It's about time!"

She tried not to smile. "Oh, my god Laney... I don't even know how it happened it just did. Like... one minute were just talking next he's... all over me."

I laughed again. "Where? When?" I asked eagerly.

"It was yesterday, after work. You'd gone back to the cabin and Nick was out at the bar, so me and him went back to the boy's cabin and... yeah." she smiled.

I smiled at her as she smiled at me. It was so nice to see her so happy. I mean Stella's usually happy, but I knew how much she liked Caden. She'd never say it out loud but I could tell. Stella doesn't get soppy. Guys she thinks are hot she'll go on about for hours, but guys she generally has feelings for? You won't hear a word.

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