Chapter 32 - Arcade

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Wednesday 27th of July

A breakfast wrap or a Tuna baguette?

I stared at the ready-meal options on display in front of me. I am the worst at making decisions. Just pick something Laney. Neither one of them looked appetizing, the tuna looked better but then should I eat tuna for breakfast? Is tuna for breakfast a thing? I shrugged and grabbed both, then I got a bottle of water, and a little packet of fresh fruit. As I stood waiting in line for the checkout I tried to ignore the couple in front of me devoting their lives to each other and nearly sinking into each other they were that close. I think they said I love you at least ten times each before they got to the till. Oh, how alone and single I feel.

I'd gone to the little shop to grab a quick breakfast, I thought I'd leave Stella and Caden alone for a while as they were sprawled all over each other when I awoke this morning. I don't mind Caden staying over they don't do anything when I'm around. This is one of the reasons I left so that they could 'make some time for themselves if you know what I mean.

After buying my items, I went outside, opened the fruit packet, and munched down on the biggest slice of watermelon.

I looked around the Square. Families were starting to appear out of their cabins and swarming around the boat hire, rushing into the restaurant, laying out picnic blankets in the park, and layering on sunscreen. It was a beautiful morning. I loved the atmosphere here. I looked up to the sun blasting over the resort. It's gonna be a hot day today.

I didn't know what I was going to do today. I ended up venturing into the arcade. I'd been in there once since we've been here so felt like I might as well make use of it. It's only small, but it's squished with all these games. There's air hockey, racing games, shooting games, a claw machine that has cheap-looking soft toys inside, and a few gambling machines at the back. There was hardly anybody in there. A few kids racing each other on the cars, and some more buying some sweets from a vending machine.

Ugh, I hate to think what their expiry dates were...

I heard a banging coming from around the back. I walked through still chomping down on my fruit selection, by now my hand was all sticky. I grabbed a slice of pineapple.

I walked to the back and... oh for god's sake... Logan again? He had pulled out a gambling machine from the wall and was looking at the wires in the back. I quickly turned around to walk out before he would see me but...

"Are you stalking me?" He questioned.


I paused and turned back around to him, finishing off the pineapple in my hand. "You wish," I grunted.

"Why else would you be in an arcade?" He frowned.

"Why not?" I argued. "I love playing..." I looked at the machine next to me. " raider...four."

He shook his head, "whatever I'm not doing this with you..." he turned back around.

"Excuse me what? You're not doing this... with me? Like I'm the issue? Like I'm the one who lied? I'm the one who attempted mur-"

"-Sshhh" he quickly placed his hand over my mouth. "What the fuck? Keep your voice down there are people around."

I grabbed his hand off my face.

"Ugh," he squirmed, shaking his hand. "Why are your hands so sticky?"

"fruit," I said dryly showing him the almost empty packet.

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