Chapter 41 - Jealous Much?

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Friday, 12th of August

Back to work today after a leisurely few days off. I got teased by the boys about my 'thing' with Logan and both were surprised at how well I'd kept it secret. Though Nick say's he knew I already had a thing for him.

Today started like usual, Stella and I headed up to reception and grabbed the map off the desk. I heard a scuttle and saw Kaley walk out of the office.

"Hey girls" She smiled, "Busy day today, unfortunately."

I couldn't even pretend to smile at her. I just stared at her unamused, confused as to why Logan still had her working here after what she did.

Stella laughed, "Oh, we're used to it by now."

"Yeah, busy's good." I spoke, "It's good for Logan and his business he worked so hard for." My face was serious, expressing my words.

She looked at me confused, but then I think she started to catch on that I knew something.

She giggled, "Yeah, he's been with me the past couple of days in the office."

I tried not to hide my anger. Why? Why is he letting her work so closely with him? She's a mole! He should have fired her as soon as he found out what she did!

"Just sorting through everything, making plans for after the summer." She said, her eyes staring into me, a little smirk on her face. She knows, I know! I know what she's doing.

"Oh, sounds incredibly boring, poor you." I pulled an apologetic face, trying not to look too sarcastic.

"Actually it's been quite fun... Logan was thinking about creating a little winter-themed Santa event to bring people in around Christmas. It's gonna be great..." her face saddened. "Oh, wait... you'll be leaving after summer, won't you? Guess you won't be around to see it, that's so sad."

I couldn't disguise my annoyance. I just shot her an unamused, pissed-off face.

Stella looked at me confused and let out a laugh. "Laney, what's with the face?"

She slapped the map in front of my face. "Hello, pissy face? Come on let's go get started on these cabins."

She pulled at my arm and I kept my gaze on Kaley. If she thinks she can play a game with me she's wrong... she better stay the hell away from Logan.

Stella pulled me outside a confused look on her face. "What's wrong with you what's Kaley done?"

"She's a little ratty mole, tramp!" I raged.

She laughed, "She's a what? What the hell she do?"

"She was the one who told Murphy about me and Logan."

"She was?" Stella gasped in shock, looking back toward the office in disgust.

I looked over to see Logan coming toward reception and I quickly ran down to him. He looked concerned when he saw the look on my face.

"Laney, what's wrong?" he said.

"What's wrong?" I scoffed and folded my arms. "Can you tell me why you have been working so close to Kaley for the past few days?"

He chuckled, "Oh, come on, I'm not gonna do anything with her?"

"It's not that Logan! I'd sure hope you don't think with your dick that much! After what she did ratting us out to Murphy why would you even want her working here?"

He looked around and pulled me to the side, "would you calm down, don't make a scene."

"I'm barely raising my voice!" I argued.

He pulled me between the two buildings and Stella followed. "I would leave." She said, "but I need to know all the drama."

We both looked at her. "No Stella it's not that important." Logan sighed.

"Not important?" I scowled, "Stella you're not going anywhere I need your backup on this."

She smiled and folded her arms looking at Logan with a displeased glare, ready for whatever was going to happen.

Logan closed his eyes, I could see him roll his eyes under his eyelids. He opened them. "I'm keeping her sweet okay, she knows a lot about Murphy and how he used to run things."

"So? Making plans for Christmas isn't keeping her sweet..." I complained.

He sighed, "Oh for fuck sake... that was just a comment I made. She's been showing me where all his shit is stored on the computer, she knows his login, she was close with him. I can find out a lot more shit I need to know for when we go to court."

Shit, he's right... I hate that he's right.

"Court?" Stella repeated.

"Yeah Stel, I told you about how Murphy..." I paused and looked around before whispering, "illegally owned this place."

"So... Logan's just using Kaley then, bit of payback if you ask me." she encouraged.

He grabbed both my hands, "She's outta here after that."

I pulled an annoyed face. Why am I going skitso over this? I think I was just annoyed at the comment she made about when I leave this place. In my head, I still feel like summer will never end. I keep thinking by the end of August I'll be more than happy to go home and Logan will just be a fun bit of romance from the past.

But slowly as time get's closer, I don't think it's going to happen like that. I'm getting way too attached, I mean look at how I reacted just now...

I panicked, quickly trying to think of a way to not sound so jealous. "Right yeah... that's actually really clever I don't know why I didn't think of that." I laughed. "I was just worried for you, thinking you were letting her get away with doing what she did. I guess that's why I acted like this..."

Logan slowly nodded his head, "Right..."

"Better start on those cabins then, mustn't I?" I forced a smile, "Wouldn't want you to get bad reviews. I'll see you I guess?... buddy."


I cringed at myself and walked away. I looked at Stella whilst still cringing and I went to get in the golf cart. Stella was trying not to smile, she followed me in.

Logan ran up to the cart. "Just let me know when you finish okay?" His face was concerned again.

"Sure, I'll let you know if I'm free." I smiled, then I pushed my foot down and flew away in the cart. I didn't look back and I started to take deep breaths, just embarrassed at myself.

As we drove down the road I caught Stella smirking next to me.

"So... you're still in love with him then?" She beamed.

I forced a laugh, "What? Oh, my god. No." I did not make that obvious. "I wasn't ever in the first place."

"Oh, did you not just see how you reacted just then? Getting jealous of Kaley spending time with him and then trying your hardest to not look bothered after? You are in deep. I see the way you look at him."

"Stop, Stella!" My tone was serious now, "I wasn't jealous of her spending time with him. I was angry cause she'd screwed him over, she should be fired!plus, it's not cute, it's pathetic, we're just... friends with benefits."

"I am going to miss you so much you know.." She sighed.

"When?" I questioned.

"When you end up staying here! Cause you love Logan so much!" She laughed.

"I am going to push you out of this cart in a minute if you don't shut up," I warned.

She threw her head back laughing. I tried not to smile, what is happening in my life?

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