Chapter 29 - Party On The Lake

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The music blared out of the speakers so loud I could barely hear anyone. All I could see were people everywhere, empty bottles on the floor, and flames glowing from the fire pits.

Turns out we weren't the only ones who wanted to get drunk tonight. Half the staff had decided to retaliate and have a party out by the lake. We'd traveled far enough away so no one would hear the music, though looking around I'm pretty sure there were some young residents and locals who had joined us so word must have gotten around. I'd already drunk half a small bottle of vodka to myself. Stella and I had brought another bottle with us, which we'd mixed with lemonade.

I was struggling to walk straight. I'd lost Stella about fifteen minutes ago after she'd run off with Caden somewhere. I'd gone for a pee in the bushes and came out disorientated but spotted Taylor sitting on a camping chair around the firepit with some other people I didn't recognize.

"Taylor" I called out. She turned to me and squealed.

"Laney, I was looking for you, where did you go?"

"A wee, wee," I answered. No dignity when I'm like this.

I almost stumbled over getting to her and laughed as I plopped myself down next to her.

"Hey, these are my friends. Hayes and Lucas." She said. I looked at them both. I would say they were a bit older than me. They had their shirts off and were both very attractive-toned guys.

"Hi," I said, probably a bit too seductively. Oh god, I hope they don't think I was giving them ideas. I'm really not in the mood for guys right now.

"Hi," Hayes said with a suggestive look on his face. "You work here too?" He asked Intrigued.

"Yeah, I clean the cabins, are you new?" I tried not to slur my words.

He chuckled at me wetting his lips and leaning forward. "No, we're locals to the area."

I looked at Taylor and grinned. "Was the music that loud?" I giggled, and looked back to the boys. "how'd you know this was happening tonight?"

"Word goes quickly around here," Lucas said grinning at me.

"I bet." I smiled, taking another drink.

"Laney? is that your name?" Hayes asked looking meaningfully into my eyes.

"Yeah..." I nodded my head.

"I like it," he said flirtatiously.

I laughed awkwardly. "Thanks."

This guy thinks he's gonna get it from me. But he's not.

"I'm gonna go find Stella, have you seen her?" I asked Taylor getting up from the ground.

"No sorry not since earlier." Taylor apologized.

"What' she look like?" Hayes asked leaning back and looking up at me, sipping from his drink.

"Drunk," I said wittily, with a slight smile.

They both let out a small laugh.

"Nice to meet you," I said to the boys.

"I hope to see you again," Hayes looked up at me intently.

I'm not interested.

I nodded my head at him.

As I walked away I heard an uproar in the distance. There were loads of people crowding and chanting. I made my way towards it. People were calling for Austin's name. Is it Logan's brother Austin? I saw Gracie from town and went up to her.

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