Chapter 45 - Last Day

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Wednesday, 24th of August

The last week was a blur. The four of us had tried to fit in as much as we could before we left. Swimming in the lake, going in rowing boats, drinking in the bar, and staying up late. Logan and I didn't talk about it once. We just acted like the week would never end. It was amazing, and I felt truly happy enjoying every moment we had left together.

I woke up on our last full day with a pit in my stomach. This can't be the last day?

Bleep bleep bleep...

My phone rang me waking me up. It was my mom!

I answered.

"Mom!" I beamed.

"Hey sweetie! Good morning! I just thought I'd give you a call, oh wait have I woken you up? Times not different over there is it?"

"Uh, no mom it's fine we're only like 7 hours away."

"Oh great! I know I haven't messaged. I had a spa weekend with my girlfriends we decided no phones! Can you believe I managed that!? I'm just in the car on my way back, I can't wait to see you just a few days now right?"

I laughed. "I know I'm missing you guys so much!"

"You've loved it though right? What d'ya think? You think you'll be more adventurous in the future? You are your father's daughter!"

I shook my head in contemplation of what to say to that. "It's been an... experience."

"Oh no that sounds worrying... I literally haven't heard anything from you!..."

I heard her honk her horn. "Oh my god, no baby I'm not letting you cut in... Jesus some drivers, bet you've not missed driving huh?" She laughed.

"It's been great mom honestly I'm just... excited to get back but obviously... will miss... people here. I've made some great friends."

"Not bringing me a son-in-law home? No?" She laughed again. "I'm just kidding, but seriously..." she snorted.

"Well..." I uttered.

"Oh my god! Have you met someone?!"

"It's nothing really, it was just casual."

"No, tell me!! I wanna know! Can you send me a pic? What's he like? Does he like dogs?"


"Oh has Nora told you? Her and Bruno have finally got a date for the wedding!"

"Yeah, she sent me a messag-"

"-So are you telling me you'll have a nice date to bring now? I really don't want you bringing that Kai he was such an attention whore sweetie."

I laughed. "I've missed you so much."

"Oh sweetie we all miss you! We can't wait to see you. I already have a get-together planned for when you get back. Oh and by the way, I fixed your dad up with one of my friends, she's called Nadia. You remember her right? They got on so well!"

"You did? When? I thought he wanted to live a life of solitude?"

"Oh well, you know what he's like... always changing his mind. Right I know this was only quick but I've got to go, I need to collect the dogs from the doggy staycation. I love you so much message me, okay sweetie?"

"Okay, I love you so much! Bye!"

"Bye Sweetie! ...Get on your side of the road ya' clown.."

She ended the call.

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