Chapter 8

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Tori's POV

"Tori, it is really hot today, why are you wearing such hot clothes?" Andre asked

" No it is really cold" I said

"Are you cold blooded or something?" Beck asked " are you even human, it is burning hot today."

"It is the opposite for me" I lied

I am melting in these clothes, but I have to wear them. My bruises are showing and the ones on my arms make me seem suicidal. Idk maybe one day I might be anyway.

The bell rang indicating that it was time for this nightmare we called school to begin.

I went to my first class for the day and instead of paying attention I got lost in thought.

Everyone expects me to be the good person in all situations, but even I know am not perfect, which is exactly why I plan on getting back at her. I mean, everyone already thinks I did something horrible to her when I didn't, If people are gonna think that I did her wrong I might as well make it true.

The reason am mad the most is that this bitch is so selfish and immature that she decided to frame me because of her dumb insecurities, like bitch if you don't trust your bf why are you even with him in the first place??? Why punish me for it? She doesn't even know what her stupid actions have affected me, but I have multiple bruises because of her.

Now I do have lines that am not crossing to get back at her. My head was telling me she thinks am a homewrecker trying to steal her bf so why not do that? I don't want to prove her right, idc if they aren't together anymore, that is still off limits. I wish I could actually give her a black eye, then I would have at least gone through all my pain, for something I actually did.

I want to frame her too, but am not a liar or a hypocrite. Man am I this much of a goodie goodie? I can't think of one way of getting back at her without feeling guilty.

I think I just need a plan to expose her to everyone, let them see the monster that she really is.


It was the end of the day and we were all getting ready to leave school.

"Hey Tori,you've been zonning out a lot today, you ok?" Beck asked

"Yeah. Hey Beck? Do you actually believe that I didn't hit Jade?" I asked

I know he has been defending me, but I feel like he is just trying be a good friend. Jade did appear to have a black eye after I apparently hit her.

"Yea, I know you wouldn't do that." He assured me "plus if anyone was gonna hurt anyone it would probably be her hitting you"

"Yeah" I laughed "thanks for having my back"

"No problem" he replied "need a ride home?"

I was about to say yes when I realized it will be a while before I return home, seeing as am afraid to seem my mom. I plan on going home at night, she can't stress me when she is sleeping.

"No thanks, I think am just gonna go with Trina" I said as we were walking out.

He put his hand on his chest, acting hurt "wow you would really prefer being with her than me."

I get why, everyone knows she is crazy, I'd be offended too.

"No, that's not what I meant" i began

"I know, am just messing with you" he laughed

We said our goodbyes and he headed to his car and I just decided to tell Trina I'll be home later, not too late because idk be murdered by my parents. She understood why and I walked out of the school, I plan on taking a walk.


I am currently at Nozu, usually it would take me 10 minutes getting here but since I walked it took like about 45min. It was helpful because I really needed to think of how in the world am gonna expose this child.

I realized no one knows me here so I can finally take off this hoodie. The heat has been killing me like nothing.

Beck's POV

When I entered my car I saw Tori walk up to Trina, I assumed they were going home, till I realized Tori left without Trina, where is she going.

I just got out of my car and followed her from a distance. Don't judge me, am not stalker, just that she seems not so ok, and like as if she is hiding something. I want to find out what.

She walked for what felt like ages, my legs were dying. Why didn't she just ask her sis for a ride to whatever her destination is???

She seems to have entered Nozu so I decided to just walk up to her and pretend I just happened to walk in.

Tori's POV

I had ordered a drink, ofc the waiter looked at me funny, then gave me a look that showed she felt sorry for me. I get that mom was angry but couldn't she have at least tried not to make me mental??!

Anyway, after ordering the drink I went back, deep into thought.

How do I expose this girl? I think I'll just do it like everyone does in movies and books. Make her talk about it when everyone is listening. I know it'd be easier to just record her, but that ain't enough evidence because editing is a thing. Plus she might find out and change the recording.

So that is exactly what I'll do. Amma tell all my friends plus Lane to just come and easdrop a little as I make her confess what she did.

Just when I thought that I had everything figured out, I heard the voice of someone I'd usually love to hear from, but his words where not what I wanted to hear. Beck.

"Tori, wtf what happened to your arms???!"

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