Chapter 26

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Beck's POV

"Oh... OK" Tori sighed

" am sor-"

"You don't have to apologize, thanks for telling me"

I left her house after that bc I feel like I have given her enough stress.

Today when I was in the rv with Jade, I remembered why I fell in love with her, she is ambitious, never goes down without a fight, and I remembered that today when she talked about her revenge. Sure I am not happy she used me to make Tori suffer, but she got what she wanted. I realized that I forgot when we always fought I didn't know why I ended up with her in the first place.

I don't know who I want, Tori is sweet and fun, Jade is ambitious and daring. This is something that will need a lot of thinking.


It is the middle of the night, the sky is dark blue, and the stars are shining. I can't sleep because I have been thinking about Tori.

Like when we first met.

"Oh, hey." I said as she bumbed into me, making me spill my coffee

"Oh my gosh."

" Ah, it's cool..." I said

No, here... I think it's coming out." she tried to get the coffee off
" ...You might be making it worse, actually." I said

She then looked at me and we ended up staring in each other's eyes. But stopped when Jade walked in.

Or when we had our first kiss..

"Get up, alien." She said as she helped me up

"Head... Feels dizzy." I had my hand on my head.

" I know what'll make you feel better." She smiled

"Jumping jacks?" I awkwardly smiled

"Kiss me." She said

"Little weird, let's do it." I smiled before kissing her

When she told me about her mom ...

"Beck? Beck... " she waved her hand in front of his face and even snaped to grab my attention. Nothing. "Say something"

"Wow, am shook. Does anyone else know about this?" I asked

"No one outside my family, besides you now." She answered "and I would appreciate it if you kept it that way"

"Don't worry, I won't tell a single soul." I promised

When she found out about Cat.

Hey, what's wrong?" I asked

"C-c-at with J-J aad-de framing me" Tori bust out into tears before hugging me.

I don't really understand what she said, but I rubbed her back as I was hugging her back. I told Andre we'll meet him in class.

When I thought she was calm enough to speak without breaking down, I asked her again.

"Cat was helping Jade frame me, she told Jade that she is on her side." She grabbed a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped her tears, then looked down.

"Am really sorry Tori" I hugged her again.

Our first date, when we played Minnie golf...

"Haha, step aside, and let the master show you how it's done" she hit the ball with her golf club but it passed by the hole and ended a few feet away from it.

"What? Are you the master of failure?" I teased.

"Are you the master of failure" she mimicked me

"Oh, really mature" I said

She just pointed her tongue at me, and I pointed mine back. We just laughed at our childishness and then ended up looking in each other's eyes. She looked down at my lips and then pulled in for a kiss.

And when we were admiring the view of the sunset...

It's beautiful, isn't it?" She said, loving the view.

"It sure is" I said, agreeing with her

"This is the part where u tell me it ain't as beautiful as me..." She said reminding me

"Ehh, I don't think lying will do anything" I joked

She gasped"How dare you!" She put her hand to her chest, acting hurt.

"Come on, I can't compare you to the sky, unless you turned into one." I explained

"Makes sense. Am just glad that you don't make cliche comments." She gave me a peck on the lips

When I asked her if I could be her boyfriend.

"I guess I want to ask, if I can be your boyfriend." I said

She froze for a second, and didn't say anything.

"Tori? Please say something, anything" I begged.

"Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!!!" She finally said

I even remember the hurting moment when I thought she cheated on me.

I reached the restaurant and was torn by what I saw, which was Tori and some other guy, I don't even know, kissing. For a second I wished it wasn't real, i blinked to confirm I wasn't just having a nightmare.

I never thought she'd do anything like this which just makes it hurt more, bc it was so unexpected. I walked away and she called my name but I ignored her.

Every moment was memorable with her, I really like her, and I once fell in love with Jade, but I fell out of love with her, maybe one day we can be friends but us being together is history, it is in the past. Our relationship now is nothing but memories, I want Tori, and I am going to tell her tomorrow. not just going to ask her to get back together, am going to show her just how much I want her.

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