Chapter 14

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Beck's POV

Tori tried opening the door but it was locked.

"Nooo!!! Whyyyyyyyy" she had her back on the wall and she dragged herself down to the floor and her knees where now on her chest.

"Jeez is it that much of a nightmare to be with me?"

"No, but it will be a nightmare to be in detention for not attending classes. Oh no what if my mom finds out??? My bruises haven't healed yet, am not ready to be beaten up again." She put her hands in her hair in frustration.

"Don't worry am sure missing class isn't something big enough for them to call your parents."

"But remember we have just started the day so they might call to ask if am sick and boom" she removed her hands from her head and made a fist and then opened her hands "she'll know I didn't attend any classes"

"You can explain to her why"

"She'd never believe me, I wouldn't believe me either, why would anyone lock a student somewhere." She put her hands on her face.

"Hey, It'll be OK" sat down next to her rubbed her shoulder.

She stopped covering her face with her arms and then looked at me, then looked at my hand on her shoulder and then back at me.

"Look, I'll text Andre to get us out of here no biggie." I removed my hand from her shoulder and reached into my back pocket for me phone.

I texted Andre to find Jade and come get us out of here, he said he's on his way so now we wait.

An awkward silence passed through the room and we looked around trying to think of how to make time pass faster.

"So... What now?" Tori asked not knowing how to defeat the awkwardness.

"I guess we talk? Either that or we could just use our phones." I replied

"Ducks are cool, should we talk about that?" She put her hand on her chin and then put out her hand.

"Ooh we should talk about that white horse with black stripes on it. I think it's pretty interesting" I said not being able to remember what it is called

"You mean a Zebra?" She frowned with confusion

"Yeah, are they real by the way?" No am not stupid, I just want to make my friend laugh that's all.

"Yes!" Her tone really making it clear that it was obvious.

"Cool! I was so disappointed when and old friend of mine told me they arent." I shook my head holding im my laughter as she seemed to be taking what I was saying

"Are you feeling ok? You sound alot like Cat rn." She looked at me like i was crazy, then put the back of her hand on my forehead checking my temperature

"Yes, am fine thank you." I removed her hand from my forehead and then there was a moment of silence. Man why is it taking Andre so long.

"Hey Beck?" she said, breaking the silence


"Thank you... For everything, for having my back when no one believed me, for supporting me when Jade insulted me, even though she was your girlfriend." her voice kept getting more quiet as she continued to speak"I am really lucky to have a friend like you, so thank you, you are a wonderful friend." She seemed to remember all the struggles she went through and she held my hand and gave it a small squeeze before letting go. "Thank you"

"Well, yeah, it was either that or just act like idc that you are going through a lot." I said, matching her volume.

We locked eyes, for a second week just stared into each others eyes, without realizing it, we got closer and closer. I realized when our noses where almost touching. She looked at my lips then back to my face, then my lips again, then my face again.

I knew she wanted to kiss me, which makes me happy because I wanted to kiss her so badly.

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