Chapter 16

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Beck's POV

"Oh... ok, then I guess we will just stay friends and pretend there is nothing going on" I was about to leave but she stopped me.

"Beck, am not trying to friend zone you, I do like you, It's just that your break up with Jade happened not so long ago, I don't wanna be a rebound, I doubt you can get over a 2 year relationship in less than a week." She explain rubbing her arm, as though she was not comfortable telling me this.

"Tori, I promise your not a rebound, I got over Jade a while before we broke up"

"So then why didn't you dumb her if you didn't have any more feelings for her? You were leading her on, how can I be sure you won't do that to me if we started dating." She had a really good point

She was right, I did lead Jade on, and I don't know how I can prove I wouldn't do the same to her.

"Am sorry, Beck, I really do like you, but I don't think us dating is worth ruining our friendship, and I know it would be ruined if any of us where to break the other's heart" She said before she left.

Jade's POV

I had just finished easedropping on Tori and Beck, I can't believe he had been leading me on? Did he get over me before Tori came into the picture?

Am so angry at that jerkass.

Why is there always some reason for them not to be together anyway. They obviously like each other. I thought I was the one keeping them apart but it turns out there are a lot of things keeping them apart, like seriously, everyone knows you like each other but you can't get together already???

Tori's POV


It has been a week since me and Beck almost kissed and confessed our feelings for each other. Nothing has been awkward between us since, nothing changed, everything just went back to normal, well there is one small change. Every slight touch I get from him gives me thousands of butterflies.

It is also hard for me too maintain eye contact with him, but when I do, we lock eyes and it feels like time stops and we are the only ones around even though we are surrounded by many people. But we always snap out of it and come back to reality.

I knew I ofc couldn't get over him in just a week, but my feelings are just getting stronger than they were before, I expected the opposite.

I am currently at my house with all my friends, even Cat and Jade. I don't trust Jade though and I have not yet forgiven Cat because she never even apologized to begin with.

We are on the front porch rn, I let them in bc we were gonna watch a movie.

Jade entered, followed by Robbie, Cat, then Andre. I was about to enter too till i felt a hand on my arm.

The door closed and Beck began to talk.

"Tori, I know you think I might lead you on, but I promise I won't. Please, I have tried to get over you but my feelings are just getting stronger." He whispered not wanting the others to hear us from inside.

"Beck I don't think you understand, you might like me now, but one day u might get over me, just like u got over Jade. Am not ready to have my heart broken." My back was now on the wall the house and he was very close, our faces where a few inches apart.

"Tori please, give me a chance. Just one chance. Please." He looked me in the eyes

I know he is being sincere but he doesn't know the future. Anything could happen. He may feel as though he likes me now, then a month from now those feelings could be gone. Sure our feelings grew stronger, but that might be because we both feel as though we can't be together. Once we are together he might get bored of me and a new girl walks into the picture.

I was thinking and then I felt his lips crush into mine. I wanted to pull away, but at the same time I also wanted to kiss him back. I failed to resist and I kissed him back. I run my hands through his hair and I felt his hand caressed my cheek. I softly bit his bottom lip and then I felt his long on my bottom lip asking for entry and I let him in. I know for sure he must have prepared for this because his breath was really minty. We pulled away because we needed air.

"Tori, I don't know if we won't break up if we started dating, I honestly don't know if either of us would lose feelings, but no one ever knows. Please give us a chance, I don't know if we will lose feelings or become closer, but we won't know if we don't try." I said looking her in the eyes

"Give me time to think about it" she said as she entered the house

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