Chapter 27

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Tori's POV

Today is a Saturday, which is great some I don't have to go to school and use some much of my energy avoiding people.

I was in my room thinking of whether I should have fun today or stay in bed and sleep the whole day when heard the doorbell and went to check who it was.


"Hey Tori" he greeted "look I know I messed up"

"Big time" I rolled my eyes

"Tori, am really sorry, for everything, am sorry for getting together with Jade before talking to you, am sorry I ruined your week." He said

"It's fine, forget about it, lets just try and go back to how things were before we dated." I said "clearly Jade have some unfinished business and besides, everything was better for everyone when you two were together."

"Tori, Please" he begged

I sighed "What?"

"I won't be happy if I get back together with Jade, you won't either and none of our friends will, because we all know me and Jade had nothing but toxic relationship." He stated "I know I said I still have feelings for her, but I want you, please take me back, I was so happy when I was with you." He said

"Beck, we gave things a try and they didn't work out, clearly, so we should just put it all behind us, the sooner we stop trying, the sooner we come become friends again like we were before" I said

"Tori"he called my name getting closer, oh I know how this ends up

I turned around so now he had his back on the wall and I had my hands pushing his chest.

"No, Beck, not this time" I said

I looked him in the eyes and I saw hurt in there. Wow he is serious, he actually wants to get back together.

I scanned to see if there was anything else he might be feeling and I got closer and I kissed him.

Once our lips touched, I got intant sparks. I got butterflies. My hands were still on his chest, but his moved to my wasted. He softly bit my lip and then licked it, I immediately let him in. My hands moved from his chest and went around his neck, and then they found their way into his hair. We pulled away for air and then he looked at me.

"So does this mean we are back together?" He asked with hope in his eyes

"Yes" i laughed


It has been two weeks since me and Beck got back together, I realized we haven't spent that much time with Robbie and Andre since this whole thing started. I hope they don't feel like we have forgotten them. I had but I don't want them to think it.

"Tori, when did you get these?" He he pointed at the bruises on my arm.

"Remember that time you found me at the hospital?" I asked and he nodded "well, Trina had fainted and I had rushed her there because she wasn't breathing and she fainted on the stairs so she got injured on her head" I began

"Oh, am so sorry" he hugged me

"It's fine"

"No it's not, I was mean to you that day, I didn't know what happened" he started to feel guilty

"Its in the past, plus I don't blame you anyway." I said "anyway, once the doctors found out what happened and I saw her, I came back home and found out I left the stove on. And so ofc my mom was gonna beat me up for that." I explained

"Tori, you really need to talk to your parents about this." He began

"No, I only need to deal with them for another 2 years" i said.

"Come on Tori, your relationship with them is not so good, and in the future your gonna wish you fixed things. I know they've hurt you, but maybe if you talk to them they will finally stop." He said "imagine not having a good relationship with your dad, most dad's love their daughters so much, don't you want him to show you that love" he asked

"Actually...  Not both my parents are doing this to me, my dad left us years ago, so with him there is nothing I can really do about him" I revealed

"Oh, Tori am so sorry." He gave me a hug and rubbed my back to comfort me.

"It's fine, I barely remember him anyway."

"But come on, you can still work things out with your mom." He began again "what do you have to lose"

"Blood, lots and lots of blood, maybe even my life"

"Come on I doubt she can hurt you for simply talking to her."

"She can if I am honest with her, I'll probably be talking back or giving he attitude." I explained

"She can't do anything to you in front of others right? Well I'll be their when you talk to her." He promised

"Your not gonna shut up till I agree to do it, are you?"


"Fine" I finally gave in


It was dinner time and my mom seemed to be in a good mood so that's a good sign. Beck is here too, but my mom doesn't know we are dating yet. Trina is out with friends so I guess now would be a good time. Even Beck kept looking at me then her, signaling that it was time to talk.


"Yes, honey?"

"Why are you always in a rush to hurt me and Trina when you think we did something wrong? You always do it before you clear things and make sure we never did it, and later when you find out we did nothing, you don't bother to apologize." I began

"Beck, could you give us a moment alone" she asked

I looked at him and shook my head

"I'll just be in the living room" he said

"Tori, am sorry for hurting you and your sister. Honestly I never got over the fact that your dad left, and he left not so long after you two were born. I guess I always blamed your two for his leave, and me hurting you was how I let out me anger so I would any time I'd get the chance. But I know that's not fair. I know I should stop, I always tell myself that it is the last time am doing it, and everytime I do it, I feel horrible. But don't worry it won't happen again I promise, I'll get over him." She said leaving me so surprised

"Your not just saying this because Beck is around right?" I whispered to her

"No, am serious"

"Thanks mom, I love you" I hugged her.

I actually don't remember the last time I hugged her it feels like it was a century ago, but hugging her felt nice, I can't believe she won't hurt us anymore, and I have Beck to thank for it.

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