Chapter 13

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Tori's POV

I have been up all night thinking about today, like the moment I had with Beck that made me blush, or the fact that he was my shoulder to cry on. Ever since the drama started he has had my back. He is a great friend, but I have also started to catch feelings.

But that doesn't mean I plan on dating him, at least not yet. I know Jade said it was OK and all, but if he happened to like me back that would either mean he is using me as a rebound or he liked me before they broke up that means he's been leading her on, what if he loses feelings one day and does the same to me.

But that doesn't matter because he doesn't even like me in that way, we are just friends, nothing less, nothing more.

Besides that, I have also thinking about Jade. Why did she apologize, I know the stage one was forced but she came up to me and apologized again. Was she forced to do that too? Like it is incredibly sketchy, and why would she tell me it's OK for me to date Beck. Wouldn't me dating him mean I've liked him all along ad she was right about me trying to steal him?? She is very confusing, one second she is mean the next she is nice.


I woke up the next morning and just went to eat breakfast in my pjs. Last night I was able to sleep well knowing am not in trouble and people aren't going to hate me anymore.

When I was grabbing breakfast mom looked at me with sorrowful eyes. I knew she knew was innocent now. She probably wanted to apologize but she can't. Idc anyway my life is back where is should be. IDC about Cat either let her be a traitor IDC I've only known her for a few weeks anyway. Better than finding out a year later.


Third person's  POV

Peoples at school where all talking about what happened between Jade, Tori and Cat.

" I can't believe Jade would do that to Tori, it was so wrong of her." A random girl said to her friend.

"Well Tori was trying to steal Beck from Jade so it wasn't so bad, Jade was just showing her who she was dealing with." Her friend said.

"No, Jade is just an insecure jealous bitch. She shouldn't blame her insecurities on Tori." the random girl said, defending Tori.

"Well I am in Sikowitz's class and on Tori's second day of school she kissed Beck." Her friend replied, defending Jade. "Plus I heard Cat helped Jade frame Tori, and everyone knows Cat is q complete sweet heart, so maybe Tori was trying to steal Beck and Cat wanted to help Jade get back at her."

"Or Jade may have threatened her to help" the random girl said, making a point

Jade's POV

I entered the school and saw everyone was talking and then when they noticed me they all stopped to hive me a dirty look, to bad for them, I don't give a fuck.

I saw Andre, Robbie, Beck, and Tori at Tori's locker. I played attention to Beck and Tori. Every time they made the slightest physical touch which ever one noticed would blush. It was disgusting, like we all know you like each other, why don't you know you like each other??? Ughhh they are so slowww.

An idea popped into my head and I went to the janitors closet to look for the key.

Tori's POV

I was with my friends as well waited for the first bell to ring and indicate it was time for our first class of the day. Jade then came and grabbed me and Beck's arms dragging us to the Janitors closet, we entered and she closed the door. Right when I was gonna ask her what this was about, she got out but closed the door again. I tried opening but it was locked.

Oh wow, why'd she lock me in here, with her ex. I know she said she is OK with us being together but now it seems as though she wants us together.

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