Chapter 11

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Tori's POV

When Jade left, Andre and Lane came out of their hiding spots

"Am sorry Tori" Andre hugged me and rubbed my back.

I hugged him back and let my tears flow

"Don't worry Tori, your parents shall receive a call telling the how this was all a misunderstanding." Lane tapped my back before going to his office.

Beck's POV

I entered school and saw Tori hugging Andre and a pants of jealousy hit me. Why am I jealous? Tori is just a friend.

I walked up to them and saw they didn't look to happy

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked

"C-c-at with J-J aad-de framing me" Tori bust out into tears before hugging me.

I don't really understand what she said, but I rubbed her back as I was hugging her back. I told Andre we'll meet him in class.

When I thought she was calm enough to speak without breaking down, I asked her again.

"Cat was helping Jade frame me, she told Jade that she is on her side." She grabbed a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped her tears, then looked down.

"Am really sorry Tori" I hugged her again.

I cannot believe she would do that, she seems like a sweetheart why'd she do that to Tori?

Tori's POV

I after a few minutes classes began and by then I didn't look as though I had been crying.


"Hey Tori!" Cat greeted as she skipped over to me and Beck.

"Hey" I didn't return the same energy she gave me.

"What's wrong" she looked at me with sorry eyes and put her hand on my shoulders

"Nothing, just not in the mood to talk right now" I shook my shoulder so her hand would get off me.

"What's that supposed to mean??" She said in her sqeaky, high pitched voice

"It means am not in the mood to talk" I restated.

"Why are you acting like that?" She looked at me, like she was getting fed up of my attitude.

"Why did you help Jade frame me??" I suddenly asked

"Because she was my friend before u were and you two were in a fight, I had to have her back before yours" She simply stated like it was no biggie.

"Or you could have just not gotten involved. Do you know what pain you two have caused me???!!!" I yelled as I finally made eye contact, but my eyes told her that I wanted to kill her.

"Am sorry Tori, I didn't-" She began but I cut her off

"You sorry doesn't mean anything to me bitch!" I quickly said before even thinking of my words LOOK AT THIS" I pulled up my sleeve from my long-sleeved shirt "LOOK AT WHAT YOU AND YOUR BESTIE CAUSED ME." I pointed to my scars "THIS MIGHT HAVE BEEN A JOKE TO YOU TWO BUT IT WASN'T A FUCKING JOKE TO ME!!!" I looked at her yelling like their was no tomorrow "Do you see what is on my arm???! Scars, they are scars THAT I GOT BECAUSE YOU RUMB BITCHES DIDN'T WANNA HANDLE THINGS THE MATURE WAY!!"

"Tori am really sorry-" she tried again, but i interrupted yet again.

"Oh yes, like your stupid apology will take away my scars!"

"Hey, chill, she likes me more than you, no reason to get upset." Jade walked to us busy thinking I give a fuck about what she has to say.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP JADE, THIS ISN'T THE TIME FOR YOUR STUPID INSULTS" I walked up to her and looked at her not breaking eye contact showing her the rage in my eyes.

"So you got a few scars, we all get those at points in your life" She said like it was no problem

I couldn't hold in my anger anymore from that point, I just lost it.

I slapped her, she froze and then when she got back her senses, she slapped me back. I pulled her hair we got into sort of like a cat fight.

Cat came and tried to stop using but I just pushed her and she fell to the ground.

I kicked Jade and slapped her again. She tried to slap me back but I dodged and slapped her back. She just stopped fighting, she looked at me scared, before letting tears out and running away, along with Cat.

I was calming down, before I realized that... I had become my mother.

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