Chapter 23

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Trina's POV

I feel horrible today, I have a headache and I feel dizzy. Every time I stand up I just feel more dizzy and my breathing isn't steady, I feel weak and like I want to collapse.I decided to take a nap, maybe it will make me feel better.

It is a little hard to fall asleep because my headache is so painful. It is aching so much, I feel like the side of my head where it is coming from is throbbing. I went to the kitchen to get myself some water, it would probably help with this massive headache.

I was walking down the stairs and I started breathing manually, it felt like I was getting air, but not enough oxygen was getting in my body. My vision went black and I couldn't hear very well, it was like I was hearing from under were. I felt a sharp pain all over my body before everything suddenly went black.

Tori's POV

Trina isn't feeling well so I was making breakfast for the both of us, I made her some green tea hoping it would make her feel better.

As I prepared breakfast I heard something fall so I turned and I saw it was Trina, she fell off the stairs.

"Trina!" I yelled as I run to her.

There was blood on her head and she wasn't breathing.

I immediately got filled with adreline and I carried her to the car and rushed to the hospital. Oh my goodness I hope she makes it, I can't bare to loose my sister. She is all I have rn, I can't face any of my friends after me and Beck's break up and I have just had a shitty week and she was able to make me feel a little better. I have had enough terrible things happen am not losing my sister.

After I got their the nurses rushed her into a room, they are working on her right now and am in the waiting room.

"Tori?" I know that voice very well, it was Beck. I don't wanna deal with him right now.

"What?" I asked

"What are you doing here?" He asked

"What are YOU doing here?" I asked

"I was dropping Robbie, he asked me to bring him here, didn't ask why, but just dropped him off" he replied "hey, what's wrong?" He asked

"I don't have to tell you, plus aren't you mad at me" I put my knees up to my chest and laid my head on them, putting my arms around my head

"You know what? Fine. Whatever. I was just trying to be nice." He walked out of the hospital.

When he left I just bust into tears. Why does this have to happen to me??? Everything was perfect till that stupid guy kissed me, then Beck went to Jade in a second, I don't have the guts to face my friend, and now the only person who has been with me through it all might not make it.

"Tori Vega?" I heard someone call my name

I grabbed my handkerchief from my pocket and wiped my tears before walking to the doctor.

"Trina fainted and had a respiratory arrest. It seems to be a result of stress. I think it is best for her to stay here one week before she returns home. It is a good thing you rushed her here. She is awake now so you can go see her." The doctor explained

I went to her room and I saw they had put a bandage on her head.

"Tori!" She said as she saw me

"Treen, am so glad your OK" i have her a hug and let out a few tears of joy. "Well I better go, I think you need to rest"

"OK, but please don't forget me here, make sure u visit me soon" she said

"I will, bye"

I returned home feeling happy that my sister is OK, but ofc the universe couldn't let me be happy for long.

I got into the house and saw my mom holding a stick

"Who left the stove on?" My mom asked. She was angry. Shit! I must have forgotten to turn it off when I took Trina to hospital.

"I did." I said. Mom walked towards me with the stick.

"Why the hell would you do that?" My mom yelled and hit me with the stick. I am so scared.

"Mom, I didn't mean to. I forgot it was on." I said. I was so scared.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH! YOU COULD HAVE BURNED THE HOUSE DOWN!" My mom yelled and hit me even harder.

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