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Yeonjun nervously chuckled. His father had out of the blue invited him and y/n over for dinner and y/n was not taking the news well.

"OH MY GOD IM GONNA FUCK THIS UP I DONT HAVE ANYTHING TO WEAR OH GOD OH GOD." She chanted while rummaging through her closet.

Chaeyoung sighed and pushed past Yeonjun and Taeyong who were watching her from the door and slapped the back of y/n's head bad.

"Get it together y/n. They'll think they can trample over you if you look so nervous." Chaeyoung scolded while y/n pouted in response.

"What else can i do? It's the first time i'm going to meet my long term boyfriend's parents." She whined.

And Yeonjun felt warm inside hearing that from y/n. 

"I can't believe this is the same girl who told people she didn't care if they supported her company." Taeyong said with a fond smile shaking his head slightly.

Chaeyoung had taken it on herself to dress y/n up because she was 'rehearsing her lines'. But nobody could deny, the y/n that walked out looked pretty (nervous) as heck.

Chaeyoung had chose a grey cropped suit with a matching skirt to go with it a black turtleneck inside and black knee high boots pulling the whole fit together.

"You look like a snack bbygrill." Yeonjun said taking y/n's hand in his when she reached the bottom of the stairs making her roll her eyes dramatically.

Noticing Yeonjun pick a call, Soobin quickly pulled y/n aside making her stumble a little.

"Hyung's step mother doesn't have a pleasant mouth so be careful. She'll be looking where she can trap you." He warned in a hushed tone.

Y/n nodded a little conflicted. "Does she not like Jun?"

Soobin nodded. "She does and doesn't at the same time. She has a daughter who used to like hyung while he lived there which disgusts me because how can you even like your brother who isn't your brother-"

"Thank you so much Soob. I'll buy you chocolate bread." Y/n smiled giving him a brief hug and running off to where Yeonjun stood with the door held open, waving to everyone who was present in the living room.

  -One snicker bar and a whole beyonce playlist later-

Yeonjun rang the bell and noticed who y/n looked stiff and kept rubbing her palms on her skirt. He gently turned her towards him with an almost unnoticeable smile.

"You'll be fine. I'm here with you." He said and y/n nodded uncertainly.


"Uh uh. You won't mess up. You got this boss girl." Yeonjun winked and Y/n laughed and the huge door opened.

"Master Yeonjun and miss Lee," The male bowed. "You're expected in the dining room." 

Y/n found herself looping her hand with Yeonjun's as they walked through the very expensive looking hallway and y/n thought that maybe if she breathed she would be in a lifetime of debt, so she unknowingly held her breath until she stepped into the dining room.

"You're seven minutes late." Choi Jihoon's voice boomed slightly startling y/n but Yeonjun remained calm.

"Sorry pops." Yeonjun said unaware that y/n's face had completely drained of colour. She'd indeed forgotten that Yeonjun's father was no better than her own.

Seeing his face brought back many unwanted memories but again, she maintained her composure and smiled and bowed.

"Good evening. I'm Lee-"

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