Chapter 1

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*Chapter 1*

Charlie's POV

"Charlie get up!" My dad knocked on the door and called to me. I put my pillow over my head and ignored him, hoping I could just go back to sleep and ignore school.

It was pointless anyway, I mean, I was a Stark.

I heard my door open and my dad walk in, pulling my pillow from over my head. "How about you get up?" He rolled his eyes at me as I turned to look at him with my eyes tightly narrowed together due to both my anger towards him and the current burning light that was streaming through my window.

"How about you go away?" I shot back and pulled my pillow off him, getting nice and comfy again. He pulled my cover off me, the cold air smacking my legs and dragged me out of bed before walking out.

I really couldn't be bothered with school. I was in my last year and to be honest, I found school easy. There wasn't much I could be taught that I hadn't already learnt at home with my dad.

I slipped on my sloth jumper, jeans and black converse, quickly brushing my teeth and hair before leaving my room. My mum and dad were in the kitchen already as well as Steve and Thor. "Why are you voluntarily up early? Who are you people?" I complained and grabbed my dad's car keys from the side. I was 17 and could drive but I didn't have my own car yet. My dad refused to buy me one until my 18th birthday, which was extremely annoying.

"If there's one scratch on my car I'll-" I rolled my eyes at my dad and grabbed my bag.

"You'll do nothing because you have about a thousand others" I pointed out, rolling my eyes in his direction. He shrugged and gave me a quick hug before I left.

My mum rushed over to me, giving me a big hug like she did every morning. My mum babied me a lot. I however, was much more like my dad, in both looks and personality.

"Bye" I called out to them and went down to the garage, getting in my dads black Aston Martin DBS9, my favourite one. Though I was like my dad, I wasn't as self-obsessed, so for example, I wouldn't have chosen to have 'Stark' written on the licence plate. It was as if he wanted everyone to follow him places, which was quite possible, but the amount of time I had had a picture taken of me walking out of McDonald's with a burger in my mouth was just annoying.

I pulled out and drove down the road, pulling up at my best friends house. He was sat on the sat on his porches, skateboard in hand, swirling a pen between his fingers. "Hey Parker" I smirked as Peter climbed into my car, waving good bye to his Aunt Mae, who gave me a wave to which I returned.

"Hey Stark" Peter had been my best friend for years and yes, I was aware he was Spider-man. He trusted me and knew it wouldn't put me in danger because well, I was Iron Man's daughter and I lived with the Avengers. The Avengers however, didn't know. They knew of spiderman and of Peter, but not that they were the same person.

I drove us to school and parked in my usual spot, getting out the car and walking inside. People stared, like they always did, but we just ignored them and carried on walking to our class.

"Charlotte Stark! Will you please stop talking" Mrs Smith scolded me and I rolled my eyes at her.

"It's Charlie actually, I don't go by Charlotte" I corrected her, leaning back in my chair.

She glared at me before going back to the board and continuing to write out the maths equation. "How did you not get shouted at for that?" Peter rolled his eyes at me and I just smirked.

The bell went and the two of us went to the hallway to go to our lockers. "Aunt Mae has been asking when your coming round again" Peter reminded me. I loved Aunt Mae, she was so sweet. Peter and I had known each other for so long that she treated me like a daughter. His uncle Ben did too, before he passed away.

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