Chapter 20

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*Chapter 20*

Charlie's POV

My eyes burst open suddenly, my gaze darting around the room. It was dark, too dark to see anything in detail. My hands and legs were tied or locked to a table which I was lying on. My head hurt like hell, my whole body ached. I left like I was having the worst hangover ever. I must of been out for a few days.

Well this isn't looking good for me. How on earth was I going to escape this? I'm pretty sure my wit and lies aren't going to get me out of trouble as usual. Wait- my serum. Knocking me out had to be a sign that it had worked right?

Hoping that I was stronger now, I struggled against the restrains, only nothing happened. I decided that trying as many random things as I could was my only hope.

I tried clenching my body, breathing deeply. Nope, nothing. Maybe focusing? I focused on the table to my side, opening my hands and relaxing my mind. A red mist coated the table and to my shock, it lifted up in the air. I closed my hand and watched as the table hit the floor. Telekinesis? Cool!

It may not have been what I planned but no one needed to know that. Either way, it was awesome. I decided to focus on my mind instead of an actual object, to see if I could do anything else cool. To my surprise, as I looked down, I saw nothing. I was invisible. Oh my gosh, awesome. I relaxed and watched as my body appeared again.

"Hello Charlotte" I heard the door open to reveal a dark haired, slimy ferret walk in, in other words, Loki.

I rolled my eyes "For fucks sake Loki, gosh your like a cloud. When you fuck off, it's a nice day" I glared at him, pretty proud of my joke. He however, didn't look at all amused by my comment.

"Your too much like your father for your own good" He said, trying to be condescending only it wasn't working at all. I mean evil ferret Loki over Charlie Stark? Please.

"I know you mean that as an insult, yet here I am, not insulted" I shrugged. I could tell that the fact I wasn't crying and screaming for help was pissing him off. He probably wanted me to be scared to piss the Avengers off more.

"Will you just shut up so I can speak?" He snapped. Sheesh, what crawled up your ass and died Loki?

"I have taken over the Hydra organisation and ordered them to take you to delay your little friends. You mind will be mine Charlotte, I'm going to make you into everything your Avengers take pride in destroying. I'm going to make you their enemy" He snarled, his signature smirk evident on his face, even in the darkness. I wasn't going to lie and say that I wasn't at least a little creeped up but thanks to myself, I had a secret weapon up my sleeve. A totally planned secret weapon.

I rolled my eyes at him again. "You know Loki, you really overlook the Avengers intelligence. You know who's else's intelligence you overlook?" I told him, my eyebrows raised.

"Who's?" He smirked, as if he was expecting me to say a pigeon or something.

"Mine" I opened my hand and slammed him into the wall with my telekinesis. I swayed the table so it hit the ground, causing the locks that were holding me to break. He was up in a flash, his sceptre pointed straight at me. I turned invisible and almost laughed at the look on his face.

Point 1000 to Charlie, Loki 0.

I made a run for the door, speeding out and past the two guards which stood there, having no idea I'd just gone past until Loki set off the alarm that I was gone.

I had no idea where I was and I had no idea how to get out but luckily my new powers were in my favour. I ran down the hall, men grabbing at thin air trying to find me. Any who got close got blasted backwards by me as I ran out. As I got to the door to what was hopefully the door that would get me out of here, men started to line up with guns.

I was saturated to become visible again, finding that using my power drained a lot of energy. A few men took shots at me, going for places like my arms and legs as they didn't want to kill me. I was to be their weapon after all. I managed to dodge most of them but one hit my right arm.

I growled in pain and used my telekinesis to make their guns hit them in the head. I sped out the door, finding myself in a field of snow. Great, just great. I could here more men coming so I had no choice but the run into the woods. My steps caused the snow to crunch under my feet, the same happening for the men who were following me.

As I neared the end of what looked like a cliff, I could tell that they were getting closer. The only way I could get away was for them to think I was dead.

So, with out a second thought, I ran to the edge on the cliff, closing my eyes and jumping as I waited for the impact of the water below.



Why am I typing in cap locks?

I was thinking about doing some kind of question the author thing? Like about me and the characters? I don't know, comment what you think :)

Thank you for reading as always and don't forget to comment below!


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