Chapter 21

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*Chapter 21*

Steve's POV

"Hurry up" Tony growled as we all sat in the avengers quinjet. We had got a signal from Loki's sceptre and were following it to a Hydra base in hope that that was where we would find Charlie.

"I'm flying as fast as I can" Clint retorted back. We were someone where in Russia. The snow was hammering down and making it harder to fly quickly.

Bruce was in the back with some lab equipment, trying to find out what was in the serum Charlie had used. The rest of us just sat there, trying to be patient. Everyone felt guilty for this, if even one of us had been honest with Charlie then she may not have left and she wouldn't have been alone when Loki and Hydra.

"Guys, I'm getting a plus signature, someone is close. Wait two, three, four, there's more people coming are way" Natasha warned us. We all went to the front to see if we could see who it was. We were nearing a cliff with a pool of ice water at the bottom.

"It's Charlie! GUYS IS CHARLIE SLOW DOWN" Toby screamed. He was right. We watched as Charlie ran to the edge and jumped, plummeting into the water below. Clint swerved the jet and hit the floor roughly.

The doors were open in seconds, Peter and Tony running out straight away. "CHARLIE" Peter shouted, ready to jump in and get her.

"No. Neither of your bodies will be able to handle the cold, I'll get her" I told them. I divided in to the water, the coldness hitting me hard. I could already feel my muscles weakening and that was me with the super solider serum. It would have been much worse for Charlie. I pealed my eyes open despite the sting and spotted Charlie floating peacefully in the water, unconscious. I quickly grabbed her, pulling her up above the surface and onto land.

Thor quickly ripped his cape off, rapping it around her. "She's been shot" He called as he saw the blood dripping off her arm.

"Her body is below average temperature, she needs medical attention" Bruce called out as he felt her forehead.

"Uh, I think these guys need attention too" Clint called. We all turned to the direction that he was looking. On top of the cliff stood at least 20 Hydra agents, all their guns pointed straight at us. This was bad, very bad.

"Bruce, we might be needing the hulk for this" I spoke, looking at him out the corner of my eye. You could tell that he wasn't exactly keen on doing it but by the look of it, we didn't have another choice.

"Cap, take Charlie back to the jet and don't let any of these twats touch her" Tony instructed. I nodded and picked her up, running with her back to the jet and laying her on the bed, putting on the heater and bandaging up her arm.

I could hear the fight raging on outside but I knew I couldn't leave Charlie alone.

"Ah nice to see you Captain" A voice chuckled behind me. I turned swiftly to see Loki standing at the door of the jet. My shield was back in my hand in seconds.

"Can't say the same, you look a little banged up" I observed, referring to the bruise on his head and the blood trickling down the side of his face.

He rolled his eyes. "Yes, well you can thank Charlotte for that" He sighed. Charlie did that to him? How on earth did she manage to do that?

"You can't stop me Captain. I will get into her head, I will turn her into everything you fear and then in front of you I'll snap her neck" He growled. I threw my shield at him, running and kicking him in the stomach.

A fight broke out. We hit each other and kicked. I shoved him against the wall, trying to get the sceptre out of his hand so he didn't destroy the entire jet. It was hard though, he blasted me back and took his open moment to run to Charlie, placing his sceptre of her heart.

Before he could doing anything however, her eyes snapped open. She grabbed the sceptre with one hand and with the other she blasted him back. Okay, what?

"Take that peanut dick" she smirked her signature smile, the sceptre in one hand. He charged at her as she went invisible and moved out the way so he crashed into the bed that she had been on.

She became visible again and smirked at him. That was soon gone though. He whipped around and snatched the sceptre out the hand, putting it straight to her chest before I could move to stop her.

In seconds her eyes faded from brown to blue and Loki's frown faded to a smirk. Charlie turned to look at me, her eyes sea blue.

"Kill him" Loki smirked, looking at me.

She nodded and raised her hand towards me. "As you wish"




So I have good news and bad news

The bad news is that this book will be ending in maybe 5 ish more chapters. Around that.

The good news is that there is going to be a sequel!!! I'm starting to plan it out now so if there's anything you want to see happen in it, message me!

So Steve's in a bit of shit! And so is Charlie! I'll try update as soon as possible because I know cliff hanger can be annoying, I just couldn't help myself :)

Don't forget to comment what you think guys!!!

Thanks for reading!


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