Chapter 11

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*Chapter 11*

Charlie's POV

I chucked all my stuff into a bag and quickly called a cab. If I took one of my dads cars, he would be able to track me. I know I'm being a bit dramatic but I don't care. I'm sick and tired of them not letting me live my life. I'm 17, not 5. I mean, sending me to a teen party with an assassin? Coming into a club and literally dragging me out? Not letting me have friends over or boys in my room? Always having a bodyguard around me? None of that was needed.

I wasn't running away or anything. I was just taken a well earned vacation. It was summer and I had a lot of time off. Besides Peter was 18 now, meaning he could be classed as my guardian.

Dads are nice, I get it. And it wasn't really my dad I was annoyed at. What annoyed me more was all of the Avengers or most of them (Not so much Nat), thinking that they were my dad and they had any kind of say in how I should live my life, Steve in particular.

I wasn't perfect, I wasn't raised to be righteous and truthful and pure. I was raised to be independent, to have your own mind and not let anyone stop you from doing what you want to. I've lived with my dad all my life and I love him to bits, but he wasn't always like he is now. Before Afghanistan when I was around 10/11, my dad was never around. He still loved me of course but he was out partying all the time. My mum was always with my dad due to work and i never went out. So much for role models.

I sent Peter a text, telling him that I was leaving for a few days and asked if he wanted to come. He replied instantly saying yes and I pulled up at his house. Aunt Mae waved to me from the window and I waved back as Peter quickly ran out with a small bag, jumping in.

"She was quick to agree" I pointed out, looking at Aunt Mae.

"Yeah well she really likes you so she doesn't mind, besides I said your dad was going and that we were doing some kind of science project" He shrugged as the taxi drove us to the airport. I explained to him about everything that had happened, pointing out that that was why I was in a club outfit.

I got that I wasn't meant to be in a club but I'm a young adult, we are known for breaking the rules. I just wanted the experience that lot's of people my age got.

We pulled up at the airport and jumped out, going to look at the flights board. I pulled out some cash and held it up. "I just want some quiet time away from them to think for a few days. If I use card, dad will trace me, good job I had this cash" I smirked at him as he rolled his eyes at me.

If i never did anything alone, when I say alone I mean with out a body guard, then how on earth was i supposed to learn to be independent. From around 12 people start to go out shopping with their friends and no adults, well I've never done anything like that and i've never be allowed.

"How about Miami? That's not too far away" Peter shrugged and I nodded. We went up to the check in desk and asked for any tickets to Miami. Luckily their were three left in standard, so we got two and took out stuff on as hand luggage. I wasn't going to lie, i had this planned out for a while. I had a bag stored in my room which was my get away bag, in case I ever wanted to just get away from it all for a while. That meant I had fake passports too, one for Peter and one for me. While most would say that was over the top, and yes it was, most people do not have parents like mine who would track you in an instant and drag you home.

Yes it seemed dramatic and coincidental that I had all this stuff but when living a life like mine, it wasn't actually that far fetched. I put a hoodie on to help hide my face from as many cameras as possible and made my way though the airport.

"Wait, give me your phone" I put my hand out to him. He looked at me confused and put in in my hand. I quickly disabled the location services on both. We were off the grid.


Tony's POV

"Miss Stark is not here here sir, she left around an hour ago" JARVIS told me as we all searched for her.

"She told me to tell you that she'd be back in a few days sir, and before you ask, I do not know where she went" JARVIS continued. I slammed my hand down on the table and ran my hands through my hair.

We all sat in her room, trying to find a clue as to where she had gone. "Looks like she's had this planned out for a while. She's had all different stuff in here, ready for a holiday get away by the looks of it" Natasha pointed out, holding up a bag that was now nearly empty.

"Why would she have that? Why would she leave?" Thor asked.

"Think about how it's been for her. I mean sure our lives are like hers now but we had a normal childhood. She's grown up with all this. She can't go out with out a body guard yet she wants to be independent, it was bound to drive her crazy and I reckon that incident at the club pushed her over the edge. Look Tony, I recommend you leave her be, she deserves a break" Natasha gave us all a speech. She was right. I'd tried my best to give her the best childhood I could but with all the fights I'd been in and all the stuff with Pepper and I, she did need a break. But she couldn't have it now.

"I would leave her but Loki's out there. I have to find her and I bet she's with Peter" I thought out load to myself.

"JARVIS track Charlie and Peters phones" Steve ordered.

"Unfortunately sir, both of their tracking chips have been disabled"

"Check her credit card"

"It's not been used sir"

"Check their passports"

"They haven't been used sir"

"Search CCTV for them"

"I can not spot them sir"

"Is there anything you can tell me?" I sighed, rubbing my face.

"The last place where they got phone signally was just out side JFK airport sir. I believe Miss Stark and Mr Parker have gone off the grid" JARVIS spoke. Sometimes it really pissed me off that my daughter was smart.

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