Chapter 3

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*Chapter 3*

Charlie's POV

"Uhhhhhhhh" I growled as I put my hand over my eyes. Hangovers were awful. My eyes peeled open and I noticed I was on the sofa in the main living room. I could see Steve in the corner reading a newspaper and Thor watching TV, Sponge bob by the looks of it.

"Good morning sunshine" Steve grinned and his voice echoed in my head, creating a banging sensation.

"No, there is nothing good about this morning. This is a shitty morning" I mumbled and rolled over so my head was in the sofa.

I could just see Steve shaking his head at my language. The light was burning my eyes so I put my hands over my head to block anymore from coming in. "Where is everyone?" I asked once I was finally comfortable.

"Your mum and dad are at some business meeting, Clint and Natasha left for a mission and Bruce is down in the lab." Steve explained. I was glad my parents weren't here, I wasn't in the mood for one of their lectures.

Suddenly I felt myself being lifted up and thrown over a shoulder. I could tell just from how high up I was that it was Thor. "Dude, get your ass out my face" I complained and I just heard Thor chuckle.

"You need to go down to the Lab so Banner can give you something for your illness" Thor explained and went into the lift, pressing the button to go down to the lab.

"It's a hangover Thor, it's called a hangover" I rolled my eyes. I wasn't going to do the cliche thing and struggle because let's be honest, there was no way I was actually going to get free.

The doors opened and I was greeted by that common lab smell as Thor put my down on the sofa. "I believe Charlie needs something for is it?" I gave him a small nod and he smiled before walking out. Bruce walked over to me and chuckled, probably because I looked like panda.

"The great Charlotte Stark in her natural state" Bruce joked and I rolled my eyes. I was too tired to even correct him about calling me Charlotte, I was starting to give up on that fight now.

"Dude, im in pain here. Give me the drugs" I demanded. This was the kind of time when i could see how alike my dad and i really were. In all honesty i wasn't that close with my mum. She babied me to much and i hated it. I'd lived with my dad my whole life because my mum was my dad's assistant so she would have always been at his house anyway. So until i was 14, even though my mum was there a lot, it was just my dad and i.

Bruce shook his head and handed me a pill. Grabbing myself a glass of water, i chucked it down and decided that it was probably time i sorted out my panda eyes and seaweed hair. "Thanks" I waved to him and went up to my room, washing my face and pulling a brush through my hair. I changed clothes out of the stuff i'd worn last night and put on some leggings and a jumper. I must of passed out on the sofa when Clint bought me home. Awkward.

I heard a knock at my window and turned to see spiderman, well Peter, waving at me. Smiling, i went over to the window and opened it so he could get in. He climbed through and pulled his mask off, sitting down on my bed. "What brings you here Parker?" I asked, shutting it so my pigeon enemy didn't come in again. Yes, one of my enemies was a pigeon but that's a story for another day.

"Well Stark, i was bored fighting crime and all and was interested to see if you had recovered from your hangover. You drank a lot last night" He laughed. Probably because I was trying to get over the horror and embarrassment of that evening.

"Meh, i'm okay" I shrugged and pulled my hair up into a pony tail. He rolled his eyes and was about to speak before his phone started going off.

"Hello.......yeah...........okay...........eggs?...........yeah Charlie' bye" He hung up and put it back in his bag pack.

"Take it you have to go then" I nodded understandingly. He nodded and gave me a quick hug before putting on his mask again. He opened my window and jumped out, starting to swing his way through the city. That was the thing with having your best friend live two lives, it was hard to spend time together.

At a fluttering sound i blinked to see the pigeon sat on my window frame. Stupid pigeon. It always came into my room, one time it even pooped on my bed. What's worse is that it's so hard to get rid off. I'm not sure why is always came back, probably because of the amount of food hidden in a bag in my wardrobe.

"You little shit, get out" I walked over to the window. Instead it flew over my head and landed on the top of my wardrobe.

"Get down here you pussy, why don't I tickle your neck with my knife huh? Lets try that why don't we? GET DOWN HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT, IF YOU DARE SHIT ANYWHERE IN HERE AGAIN I WILL MOTHER FUCKING DECK YOU YOU LITTLE TWAT. I-" I screamed at the pigeon whilst it just looked at me.

"I don't know whats worse. The fact that you're shouting at a pigeon or your language" I heard a chuckle. I turned to see Steve standing in my door way, leaning on the side. Good job Peter left when he did i guess.

"I'm just going to hope you're working out some repressed anger issues and aren't really that interested in slaughtering a pigeon" I didn't even blush. This pigeon will meet its end one day. Almost as if it senced that Steve was a threat, the pigeon darted out the window and luckily didn't poo anywhere. How rude.

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