Chapter 14

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*Chapter 14*

Charlie's POV

Finally, today was my 18th birthday. I was technically now an adult. Meaning I could do what ever the fuck I wanted. No parent having to sign any slip, no creating fake IDs for 18s at the cinema or clubbing. I was free, well, by English rules anyway.

"YO BITCH WERE YOU AT?" I screamed as I walked into Ashley's house.

She was home alone.

Ashley and I had known each other for a long time since both our dads were business men and good friends. Since Peter was my only other friend really, I went to Ashley for all the girl stuff, she understood the need to do whatever after being trapped by our dads.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH HOE IM ONLY UP HERE" she called from her bedroom. I hiked up the stairs and jumped onto her bed the second I was in her room.

"So Lotts, how is it to be 18? Happy birthday by the way" She smirked. She called me Lotts, I don't know why, she just did.

I grinned and lay back on her bed. "Good, very good. Although, getting up so early was an effort, but I'm not allowed to leave the tower so I had to hack Jarvis to get out. They all think I'm still asleep" I laughed, looking at the clock which read 10:30am.

"Should I do one of those dramatic speeches on Instagram where you post a selfie and you're like 'I love this girl omg'?"Ashley laughed, holding up her phone. I nodded and we quickly took a selfie, she captioned it 'Love my birthday bitch' and tagged me in it. I had 10 million Instagram followers, not to bad, though Kylie Jenner had 3 times more which was annoying.

"Susan is making pancakes for us" she said, referring to her lovely maid who was absolutely amazing at cooking.


I tip toed back into the tower, about to get into the lift to my floor when I heard a cough. I turned around and saw all the Avengers and my mum sitting in a circle staring at me with unimpressed faces. Well shit.

"Where were you?" My mother was about to scold me when my dad heald up his phone, Ashley's Instagram picture on the screen.

"'Love my birthday bitch' says Ashley an hour ago" my dad read it off. Wait, he has Instagram? He follows Ashley? Oh dear, he probably follows me then, that can't be good.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Well I'm 18 now and I'm an adult, so I don't actually have to listen to you anymore. Besides I only went to Ashely's house for a bit on my birthday, it's not a crime" I pointed out. My dad opened his mouth to say something but had nothing in reply since he knew I was right.

I smirked at them and went up to my room, nearly having a heart attack when I heard a knock at the window. I turned around and saw Peter there in his Spider-Man costume, waving to me. I opened the window and he climbed in quickly, taking off his mask.

"Happy Birthday Charlie!" He smiled, pulling out a wrapped present. I smiled at him and started to open it, nearly falling on the floor when I saw the present. Grand theft auto.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I squealed, giving him a tight hug. I heard a small sniff. Did he just smell my hair? What the fuck?

I let him go and ran over to my TV, immediately putting it in and turning on. "Care to join?" I challenged him, holding up the other remote. He nodded, excepting my challenge and picked up the other remote, about to play before my door opened.

"Peter, Avengers business" my dad reminded him. Peter nodded and put the remote down, giving me a quick wave before following my dad downstairs.

Since Peter had joined the Avengers, I rarely got to see him. He was always off fighting some evil villain or tracking Loki and didn't really have time to do the cool stuff we used to. Now school was over too, I wouldn't even see him there. I missed hanging out with him.



First thing, please comment what you want to happen in the next chapter because I have literally zero ideas.

Second thing, I'm going to start another book and I have a few ideas which I thought you could comment which one you like best.

-Happily Never After - An accidental prone princess Evangeline falls for Steve Rogers but is being forced to marry someone else
-The only one - A badass Fluer Hastings catches the eye of Tony Stark but is the only girl to ever refuse him.
-The God-daughter - Steve discovers that he is the god-father to Gigi Barnes, a badass with an attitude
- Elite - The team find out Coulson had a daughter, a very powerful one who is part of a team called Elite who guard portals from other worlds

Comment which one you think!

Thank you!!!

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