Chapter 7

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*Chapter 7*

Tony's POV

Pepper and I arrived home only an hour ago, getting a big greeting but everyone. Well Charlie said she 'cba'd' to get up off the coach so we just got a quick wave from her. Pepper went straight into doing some paper work that she had left behind, leaving the rest of us to question Loki as Natasha and Clint arrived home too. When questioning a physco, these master assassins came in handy.

"So what's up Thor?" I asked him, referring to Loki's sudden arrival.

"I don't know how to explain it but I know my brother and I know he is up to something. He was all too interested in all of you and earth for my liking. He wouldn't ask if he didn't have a reason" Thor explained. I nodded in understanding and we went down to the bottom floor where Loki was being held in the Hulk containment unit. If it could hold the hulk, it could hold some 'puny' God.

We all walked into the actually cell, not exactly fearing his fake bravery, I mean, we had already beat him once and the radio was 6:1. It was simple maths really.

"Ah, if it isn't earths mightiest heroes" Loki smirked at us all. I didn't get what he had to be so cocky about, he was the one who was locked up like a caged animal and baby sat by his brother even though he was an old man. Talk about baby, gosh.

I shook my head at him and turned away from him a bit, his slapped arse looking face simply pissing me off too much. "Cut the crap, what are you up to Loki?" I insisted.

"I wasn't aware you had a daughter Stark" At these words my head snapped towards him. My worst fear was coming to light. I knew having a daughter wouldn't be easy but when your serial killer enemy finds out you have a daughter, it can't be good.

"Charlotte's quiet lovely isn't she, feisty though" He chuckled. Thor's grip on his hammer tightened and he took a step forward so that he was almost by my side."Shut up Loki" Thor warned.

"A trouble maker too. I can relate to her with that" He raised his eyebrows. Did he just compare himself to my daughter? He compared my daughter, to his greasy ferret looking self.

I'd laugh if I weren't so angry.

"You don't even compare to her" Natasha spat, pretty much speaking for all of us there.

However, instead of scaring him, our remarks only fuelled a lightly lit firer that I could see now burning in his eyes. "It pains you all doesn't it? Every time i speak of a loved one i can see the fire in your eyes. Pepper, Jane, Peggy, Charlotte" He didn't get to finish because I slammed him against the wall and pinned him there with my forearm. I couldn't take it any longer. He was right, it did bother me, but he may just wish that he wasn't.

"Don't talk about them Loki. Don't even think about them because I swear to god, if you do, I was personally choke all the air out of your body" I threatened, pressing my arm harder and deeper into his neck but that stupid grin remained.

"Actually, I wasn't going to include dear Charlotte in this but seeing how much it angers all of you off, I might just" At his words, my knees felt weak.

"Don't you dare do anything to her" Steve stepped forward, ready to smash his face in. Well, the old man had to get in line because I wanted to have the satisfaction of doing it first.

"Touch her and an arrow goes through your eye" Clint played with one of his arrows between his fingers, stopping it so that it pointed directly at Loki.

My anger grew due to the stupid smirk that was still evident on Loki's face. "You of all people Agent Barton know that I don't have to touch her to cause damage" Clint looked panicked by this. He was one of the strongest people I know and even he had to have a long recovery after Loki's mind control.

"What's you plan then? Or is this some kind of game to you?" Bruce quizzed, trying to find out if Loki had any real reason behind it or if it was just good old fashioned revenge. I wanted to slap the smirk off his face but I restrained myself, wanting to here his answer first.

"Well that depends which side your looking at. For me, it's a game. For you, well, it's much more serious than that" He chuckled. My eyes clouded over with fury and I swung at him, punching him straight across the face.

He fell on the floor, blood coming out his mouth like spit. Thor pulled me away before I could hit him again and we all went out the cell, locking him in again. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed. Charlie must of gone to see him. I couldn't say I wasn't surprised, after all it was something I would do. But now Loki had his eyes set on hurting her and there wasn't much I could do to change that.

"We have to protect her, no matter what" I insisted to them. We all grouped in a circle and everyone nodded.

"For now she is safe, Loki is trapped in there. But I don't doubt he will find a way to escape" Thor pointed out. There wasn't any point in taking him back to Asgard as he has his secret passages. If Thor wasn't here to stop anyone from killing Loki, I'm pretty sure he'd be dead now.

"And when he escapes?"

"We will be ready"


Thanks for reading guys! I'm not very good at writing serious chapters but oh well i tried, hope you enjoyed it.

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