Epilogue 2

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*Epilogue (2)*

Charlie's POV

"IF YOU KIDS DONT GET YOUR BUTTS DOWN HERE NOW I'M GOING TO FLIP YOU LIKE A PANCAKE" I screamed up the stairs. In a cluttered all the kids tumbled down the stairs, trying not to be last.

"Good now remember, your grandad and grandma are coming today with the rest of the Avengers so you better be good. Remember don't call grandad 'grandad' you know how he hates to admit that he is old" I reminded them.The three of them nodded with smirks on their faces.

7 year old Harry Ben Parker was our eldest. He had brown eyes and lighter brown hair like Peter. He was also extremely smart which he obviously got from me and also fairly quiet and collected which he must of got from his dad.

Next was 6 year old Tony Richard Parker (we had no choice, my dad begged too much). Tony was like my dad. He had dark hair and dark eyes. Tony was a mamas boy, though he would never admit it and would come crying to me but then pretend it never happened.

Lastly was my mini me, 4 year old Amelia Pepper Parker. She may only be 4 but like when I was little, she knew how to get what she wanted. She had my devilish smile as Peter would also say and my dad was always point out that we had the same facial expression depending on what we were up too.

Though I was now 33, I hadn't changed. I still loved to mess about and the kids often helped me to piss off my dad or Peter. Peter was working at a newly made Shield and was the worlds superhero since the Avengers were a bit too old for all that now. No one knew who he was know apart from some people and shield and we liked it that way.

As for me, I was a bit busy running Stark Industries. Yeah, I was the only heir to it after all so I decided that it was best to take over it. I wasn't selling weapons though. Instead we sold Stark Tech now. I still had my powers and I would drop into shield from time to time to help out but I tried to work from home the best I could. If I was out though, the kids with usually stay with my parents or Aunt Mae.

"Miss Stark, your father and mother with the rest of the Avengers" JARVIS told me. Yeah I set up my own Jarvis in our house since it was big and a lot to handle so I needed help. Just as that was said my dad walked into the hallway, Amelia running and jumping him his arms.

"Papa" she smiled and rapped her small little arms around his neck. Since he hated being called grandad they called him papa instead and called my mum 'Nanny'.

The boys hugged his legs as everyone else came in. None of the rest of the Avengers had had kids but they had all still settled down. Clint and Natasha were together happily, living in a flat in New York. Thor was with Jane, living between here and Asgard. Bruce was still Bruce, working in the science labs and helped me out a lot at Stark Industries, although I found out recently that he had a girlfriend names Betty. Steve didn't have a girlfriend but I don't think he seemed to care much, he trained shield agents now since he was still in good shape thanks to the serum.

Amelia pounded over to Steve, trying to climb her way up into his arms. For some reason , she had a bit of an obsession with him. He loved her a lot as well so even though he didn't really have any family, my kids and I made sure he felt at home. (I know I'm really lovely).

Harry found Thor amazing but also got along well with Bruce since they were quiet alike in nature. Little Tony seemed to take enjoyment in trying to piss Bruce off to see if he would Hulk out but otherwise he liked to talk to Clint and Natasha since they were spies and all and of course he also enjoyed to hang around with my dad since they were practically the same.

We often had them all round, maybe once a month, and my mum would cook a big dinner for us all. My mum and Natasha were in the kitchen cooking while everyone else was scattered around the house or garden.

"Hey Tony come watch Peter Pan with me?" I begged him since it was my favourite film.

"No mum I'm 6 now! It's you that wants to watch Peter Pan!" He rolled his eyes.

I flung myself on the sofa. "You love me really" I winked at him and though he tried to hide it, I saw a small smirk.

"I don't know how you put up with her Tony" Steve laughed as he talked to my son while my daughter sat peacefully on his lap.

"I know, she's such a piece of work" he jokingly complained.

"Hey I'm not that bad! I don't hear you saying that when I buy cookies! Or maybe I should stop buying cookies should I? Maybe I'll just eat them myself" I pointed out, sitting up and crossing my arms. Tony's eyes widened and he quickly hugged me, giving me the innocent smile I used to give my dad.

I heard my dad do a small dramatic gasp. "He has your cookie smile" He pointed. I smirked and rapped him in a hug, kissing his cheek which made him scrunch up his face in disgust and wipe it away.

"Uncle Steve, can I have a piggy back ride?" Amelia smiled at him. You could tell that he didn't want to at all and tried to avoid the puppy dog eyes she was giving him.

"Maybe in a bit" he tried to let her down easy.

"Okay, I guess I can just go play by myself outside since everyone else is too busy to play with me" she signed sadly. I looked at her with one eyebrow raised. I taught her this trick, I knew it all too well. I saw her look at me out the corner of her eye with a small smirk but quickly put her sad face back on as she looked at Steve.

He sighed and caved in. "Alright, let's go out" He agreed . She bounded off his lap and ran up to me, giving me a high five and running out the door. Steve looked between me and Amelia dumbfounded and shook his head with a small smirk as he followed her out.

"How does he still fall for that? You used to pull that on his every day" My dad laughed. I shrugged with a smile as Pepper called everyone to the table.

We all sat around, laughing and chatting. Harry asking Bruce about science, Tony asking my dad about his Iron Man days, Amelia messing about with Thor's hair. And by my side was my husband who ate happily and chatted to our family. Yeah, we were some strange family but I wouldn't have it any other way.




I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has read and commented and gave me the motivation to write. I hoped you liked the ending.

So for the last time...

Comment what you think and thanks for reading!


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