Chapter 24

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*Chapter 24*

Charlie's POV

I stormed out the room and into the court yard where the battle was ranging in. Countless amounts of Hydra agents flooded down, coming in higher numbers than we could ever imagine.

However, the battle that caught my eye was between Loki and Thor. Loki knocked Thor backwards and five Hydra agents ran at him. I turned and charged at Loki whilst invisible, becoming visible again just as I punched him in the face.

He turned to me, knocking me back with his sceptre and attempted the hit me with it again but I rolled out the way. I listen him up with my telekinesis and threw him too the side, giving me enough time to get up before he was back fighting me again.

"Won't you just give up? I can easily beat you" He snarled, swinging his sceptre at me which only narrowly missed.

"Not on your best day Loki" I snapped and jumped up, using both feet the kick him in the stomach. I dropped smoothly into my back and flipped up again, going invisible and sliding through his legs, kicking him in the groined. Ha.

I could tell i had really pissed him off now. He was about to fight back when he was blasted backwards, my dad floating down next to me.

"See you've got a good hold on those powers" He said and I smirked, dramatically brushing my shoulder as if it was nothing.

"Well I created them didn't I?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

It seemed Loki was down for a minute so we turned back to the Hydra agents. They came at me one by one, and one by one they were blasted back or slammed into the wall. My new totally planned powers where really coming in handy.

"Guys, we have a problem, I'm getting interfering signals. Bomb signatures. Loki must of planted one somewhere" Natasha radioed in, I could here it through my dads suit.

"Someone needed to go diffuse it or we might not all make it out in time. Where's the location?" Steve asked as he threw his shield and knocked around two Hydra agents.

There was a pause before Natasha replied. "North of the building, where Loki and Charlie where before, he must of planned this" Natasha replied.

"Charlie or Tony, can you diffuse it? You two are the only ones with the expertise to do it" Clint spoke from the top of the building, shooting arrow after arrow.

"I can" I said, looking at my dad who was steps away.

I could tell he was unsure but we didn't have time to argue about this. He handed me an ear piece and I quickly took off, speeding through the building back to where I was before.

I ran into the room and skidded to a stop when I saw Loki standing there. "For fucks sake you are a parasite" I complained, pretty fed up of all his random appearances.

"No really, I'm so tired of you. I honestly couldn't care less about what the duck you do with your life as long as you stop trying to kill everybody you psychopath" I groaned as he looked at me confused at my sudden outbursts what he didn't realise was that using my telekinesis, I was slowly moving the bomb from behind him, using my speech as a distraction.

"I mean, you act as if your life is so hard but you were a prince for fuck sake. What found out your mum wasn't really you mum? Join the club bitch. You don't see me going around trying to rule everyone. News flash Loki, life isn't fair, get the fuck over yourself. Oh and while your at it, what is up with all that gel in your hair I mean what did you do? Swim here" I insulted him, trying not to let my eyes travel to the bomb which was now floating above his head.

He hadn't noticed yet but he just looked at me with a confused look. "I deserve to be a king, the Avengers destroyed that so they shall pay" He explained carefully, not really getting where my whole rant was coming from.

"You know if you had just been a good kid then you would have been King anyway. Thor doesn't want the throne" I pointed out. I could tell I hit a nerve there as it was clearly something he had thought about before.

"Charlie how's it coming?" Peter asked through the ear piece.

"Almost done" I said. Loki looked extremely confused now until he looked above his head and saw the bomb.

"What can I say? Ranting is what I do best" I smirked, suddenly blasting him backwards and dropping the bomb on the floor.

I ran over to it and took off a mental panel, seeing computer codes. I would have to hack it to shut it down. Simple enough. In minutes I was in the system.

I looked at the timer on the bomb.

5 seconds

4 seconds


I typed as quickly as I could.

3 seconds

2 seconds

I clicked the enter button and jumped backwards for protection. The bomb stopped, frozen on 1 second. I had one second to spare.

I breathed a deep sigh on relief, wanting to just go home now and eat pizza and watch TV but I had one more thing to take care of.

I walked over to the broken body of Loki Lafeyson on the floor, his eyes peeling open to look up at me. "If you want to be a smart ass Loki, first you have to be smart otherwise your just an ass. Have fun in asgardian prison, send me a postcard" I smirked at him as the rest of the Avengers joined me in the room.

It was over

We won


Sorry this was quiet badly written. I hope you liked it anyway!

Don't forget to comment and thanks for reading!


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