Chapter 19

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*Chapter 19*

Peter's POV

I knocked on Charlie's window, the pizza in my other hand. Something wasn't right. Why were her windows locked? And why was it all dark? Where was she? My worry heightened as I noticed the knocked down door and a couple of broken things. It looked like someone had broken in.

I picked the lock and climbed through, leaving the pizza on the side. There was no sign of her, she wasn't here. I went over to the computer and tried to log into her security footage but it appeared she had shut the whole thing down. Whatever had happened, she must of predicted it. I couldn't get into it myself.

I pulled out my phone and dialled the number of the person who I knew would be able to get in. "Hey Tony it's me, something's happened to Charlie" I told him.

"What? You've seen her? What's happened to her, where is she?" He bombarded me with questions.

"I don't know, whatever happened she must of knew it was coming because she shut down her computer and I need you to get on it so I can look at the security footage. The door has been knocked down and there's no sign of her" I quickly explained, continuing to look around her apartment for any clues.

I could here him talking to Jarvis, telling him to get the rest of the Avengers. "We will be there soon" he spoke before the line went dead. I'd been annoyed at the Avengers, Tony in particular, for what happened with Charlie but I knew I couldn't let it get in the way of our work.

The Avengers were here in no time, all looking worried at the sight around them. Tony stalked right over to the computer, working on hacking it straight away. The rest looked around.

"Why is there no signs of a struggle? There is no way Charlie would have gone willingly" Clint pointed out. He was right, Charlie was good with combat and she was a Stark, she wouldn't have just gone with them, whoever they were, willingly.

"I think the better question is, who took her and why?" Steve asked.

I heard a sound from the computer and we all rushed over as Tony pulled up the security footage. At first it was just of Charlie walking around and getting movies and stuff. Until she look out the window. You could see her body language change. She rushed over, locking the doors and windows and whipping the computer. She must have seen the attackers outside. She ran over to her draw, pulling out what looked like a cringe and waiting a moment before sticking it in her arm. After a second her eyes fluttered closed and she fell to the ground just as the door burst open, many men storming in and taking her away.

"Pause it" Natasha demanded just before the men went off screen.

Tony zoomed in on them and we all saw what Natasha had noticed. The symbol of the red skull. Hydra.

Tony slammed his hand down on the table. "What the hell do Hydra want with my daughter?" He shouted, though it was mainly to himself.

"If they use her as bait for us then she is safe until we find her" Thor pointed out. Either way, we knew she was still alive, otherwise Hydra would be rubbing our faces in it.

Bruce walked over, the cringe that Charlie must of used in his hands. "Why should she inject herself with this?" He wondered out loud, putting on his glasses and taking a close look at it.

"Do you know what it is?" I asked him in hope but he shook his head.

"Whatever it is, it looks like Charlie made it herself. I'm assuming that whatever she meant it to do, it probably will because, well, she's Charlie" He predicted, putting the cringe in his pocket, probably hoping to find some kind of trace as to what it was back at the lab.

Natasha furrowed her eyebrows. "If it did what it was meant to do then why would she collapse?" She pointed out the obvious.

"It wouldn't have worked straight away, it takes time to work through her whole body. It must of knocked her out while it did that. Whatever it is, hopefully it will be able to help her" Bruce concluded. It was comforting to know that at least she had some kind of advantage on her side and knowing Charlie, it would be something dramatic.

Tony stood up, looking like more of a mess than he did with three weeks away from his daughter. He'd wanted to come talk to her but we had convinced him that she needed time alone, that's how she coped.

"This is our top priority. We are going to find her no matter what and we are also going to destroy Hydra. If they have taken her for bait then that was a stupid plan." Tony snarled, looking pissed off. I knew there wasn't really another explanation as to why they would take her but for some reason, I felt as though there was more too it than that.

"That's no like Hydra at all, this whole thing doesn't seem like Hydra. It's too open for them, they are usually sneaky. I think someone else behind this" Steve speculated. He was right. Hydra was a parasite living in Shield for 70 years. They wouldn't barrage in and take someone, getting caught on camera.

"Loki" Clint growled.



So don't forget to comment what you think! I've started to add more of a story to it now you have got to know the characters well.


Thank you for reading guys, I might not be able to update tomorrow as in out and have family coming over but I'll try anyway, if not then the day after!


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