Chapter 26

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*Chapter 26*

Charlie's POV

I'd found her. I found my real mum. Kelly Daniels, living in Brooklyn and working at the CoCo Cafè.

Since the whole Loki thing, no one had mentioned the situation. Everyone was acting as though it never happened. Except, I could feel the distance between me and my dad and if barley seen my mum/Pepper. I think she felt guilty.

But I needed closure, which was why I was sitting in my car in front of the Cock Cafè in Brooklyn. I hadn't told anyone I was coming, not even Peter, I felt like I needed to do it on my own.

However, I had been sitting in my car for 15 minutes, trying to coax myself to go in. It wasn't wrong that I wanted to meet her right? It was only natural for me to want to know who my real mother was.

I sighed and got out the car, walking inside. It was fairly old fashioned and run down, only a few customers scattered around. A woman was stood at the bar, cleaning the table around her. She had blonde hair, dark eyes, fairly small. She looked similar to the picture I had seen of her on Shield from years ago only her hair was different now.

I sighed and walked up to her. "Are you Kelly Daniels?" I asked, almost wincing as I asked the question.

"Yeah who are you?" She replied harshly, not even looking up as I spoke to her.

"I'm Charlotte Stark?" I replied. I get not knowing the daughter you never really met but I was famous, surely she would have known what I looked like.

"Oh" She now looked up at me but she didn't look at all happy. Instead she just had a rather blank look on her face.

"I'm your daughter" I said slowly with my eyebrows furrowed, confused at her reaction to me.

She nodded, going back to cleaning the tables. "Oh yeah, forgot about that" she forgot she had a daughter? Wait, she forgot that the sexy goddess that was myself was her daughter?

"You forgot you had a daughter" I repeated in disbelief.

"Well yeah, I didn't want a kid. So why are you here?" She asked bluntly. I don't know how I expected her to react to me but this defiantly wasn't it. Clearly, I must of got my bitchy side from her.

"Uh I wanted to finally meet my mum?" I exclaimed as though it was pretty obvious, which it was.

She looked at me and shrugged. "Oh ok so I'm here. If you want to stay you have to buy something" She ordered, taking very little interest in that fact that I was even here.

"Seriously?" I stared at her with my eyebrows raised. She nodded and continued with her work.

"I came here in hopes that I would find a mother who regretted abandoning me or who at least had a good reason but your here not caring at all that your daughter who you haven't seen in 18 years is standing right in front of you and you've spent all your life running from the fact that you are my mother. This was a waste of time, have a nice life" I ranted at her and picked my car keys off the table, storming back outside.

Clearly she wasn't around for a reason.


"Hey" I smiled as I walked onto my parents floor at Avengers tower. The two of them sat on the sofa and looked up at me in surprise as I walked in, neither expecting that I would want to talk to them much.

"Hey, I think we should talk about what happened" My mum started as if she was scared I was going to walk away.

"Yeah" I nodded and sat down on the sofa opposite the two of them.

"Well we are sorry that we lied to you, we didn't want to hurt you. When you arrived on my doorstep you took a shine to Pepper, you started calling her mummy. The press starting asking me who the mother was and it was just best to say Pepper you know? At least then we were like a family. And now that we are together, we actually are" My dad started, trying to explain every little detail. I understood, I did. He wanted to give me everything after all and I didn't have a mother. Pepper, well my mum, stood up and took that role.

"I know that I'm not your biological mother Charlie but in my eyes you will always be my daughter" My mum smiled at me. I could tell she was about to cry.

I nodded along with her "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have freaked out on you. You are my mother, you raised me after all and you've always cared for me even though I don't always appreciate it" I admitted, knowing that I used to push my mum away a bit since we were a bit different.

"So are we good?" My dad asked and my mum nodded but I shook my head.

"One more thing I think I should tell you" I winced, deciding that it was best to tell them what I had been doing this morning.

"I found my biological mum, in some run down pub. Kelly Daniels. She was a bitch. She didn't care I was her daughter, she has kept a enough low profile that shield has nothing on her so she can't be linked to being my mother. So what I'm trying to say is that I'm much happier with out her anyway" I smiled at them. They both looked fairly shocked that I had gone to see her but at my last words they both smiled.

"I'm glad" My mum got up, rapping me in a tight hug.

Here we were once again, a happy little family.


Yay second update today! Only three updates left and I only have one more to write! Exciting times!

So Charlie finally met her mother and she made up with Tony and Pepper! Yay!

Comment what you think and thanks for reading!


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