Chapter 23

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*Chapter 23*


"Tracking them isn't the problem, the problem is getting Charlie back once we find them" Tony explained as we sat on the replacement jet. Bruce was tending to Steve's head wound. Steve said he got it from Loki but I was pretty sure that it was Charlie who had unknowingly caused it, he just didn't want to blame her.

"Well we have to hit her hard on the head, that's what I did to Clint" Natasha pointed out as she sat next to Clint. I knew that the two of them were a thing. Well, I didn't exactly know but it was obvious by the way they looked at each other. Plus Charlie had told me about the time she caught them kissing, I know she promised not to tell anyone but the best friend never counts right?

Steve sighed. "Yeah but it's different now, Charlie had these new powers, we can't get close to her with out her freaking out" he explained, referring to earlier when she lashed out at practically anyone who talked to her. Except me.

"I can" I spoke up. They all turned to look at me confused. Since i was the new guy and the young one and the best friend of one the leaders daughter, I'd been fairly quiet, so if me speaking us wasn't surprise enough then what I said had to be.

"What?" Bruce questioned, not getting it.

"I can get close to her. I mean the only person she wasn't annoyed at was me, maybe Natasha. But I've been her best friend for so long, if I can get through to her, it might work. She lashed out and most of you remember but she didn't say anything to me" I reminded them. I could tell Tony didn't look too pleased at the idea, probably because he wanted to be the one to save his own daughter but we didn't exactly have time for ego.

"He's got a point, if anyone would be able to get though to her, it would be him" Thor said, though he was clearly speaking to Tony. The rest of them seemed to agree, nodding along with Thor's point.

Tony nodded his head. "Okay"

"Right so here's the plan..." Clint started.


Loki and Charlie had landed in Poland at another Hydra base. The plan was clear and simple. Everyone took care of all the Hydra agent Loki would throw at us while Thor and I went though to find Loki and Charlie. While Thor keeps Loki occupied, I had to try get though to Charlie, if not if just have to hit her really hard on the head.

We all stood in the trees, watching as 10 Hydra agent paced the perimeter, there blue eyes shining as the sun started to set.

"How do we do this? Stealth or just go in guns blazing?" Natasha asked as she flicked her red hair to the side to look over at Tony and Steve.

"Well, it's the last big flight hopefully so we may as well go out in style" Tony shrugged, his face mask flipping down. No one really had time to argue because Tony was already up in the air. The rest of us were off in a flash. Natasha and Clint stopped to take the first round of agents.

With Bruce as the Hulk, it was good we decided against stealth anyway. As soon as we were in the gates, many Hydra agents came. Bruce/Hulk and Steve stopped with them and we continued to go inside the building. The last wave of agents were left to Tony as Thor and I stormed through to the main room were we assumed Loki would be hiding.

It seemed we must have set off an emergency alarm as some Hydra agents were blocking our way. I wrapped four to the wall as Thor knocked out the other four with his hammer. It wasn't too hard for Thor to knock the door down and before we knew it we were face to face with Charlie and Loki.

By the looks of it, Loki had been planning his next attack on us but we beat him too it.

"Oh joy, it's you" He rolled his eyes and immediately used his sceptre to blast Thor back. I took my opportunity to run to Charlie who was in a ready stance invade I was to attack her.

"Charlie please listen to me, I'm your best friend, I know deep down that you don't want to hurt me, you don't want to hurt any of us. This is Loki using you" I told her, raising my hands in surrender to show that I wasn't going to fight her. I took my mask off and dropped it on the floor.

"You don't know anything" she growled yet she made no move to attack me, sounding unsure of her own words.

It was working. "Remember when we were little and we went to the Harry Potter Premiere? And we kept messing about and they threatened to kick us out? Or how about the time when we went to Paris on our school trip and we had a massive prank war?" I reminded her, a smile spread across my face at the memory. She dropped her stance, looking at me with slight shock.

"I-" she started but I interrupted her.

"Charlie remember how you felt? Do you remembering laughing with me and joking around?" I continued. I could tell that I had got through to her now, she didn't look angry any more, she almost smiled at the memory's. Almost.

"Yes but I-"

"No more buts" I said and I grabbed her face pulling her lips to mine. It wasn't part of the plan but I couldn't help myself. I'd waited so long and there was no better moment than now.

She didn't move at first, at first she was still, but soon she sank into it. She rapped her arms around my neck with mine around her waist while I pulled her closer. I wanted this for so long. That was my secret.

I pulled away from her and too my surprise, her eyes were brown again. The deep chocolate brown that melted my heart. "Well that was unexpected" she laughed, rubbing her head a bit as it was probably throbbing a bit from having someone else in there.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while and hey, I got you back" I smirked at her. I was worried when I saturated liking her that it would be weird going from friends to more but it wasn't, it wasn't at all.

"Yeah, you did Sherlock" She smirked. And there she was, Charlotte Stark, the sarcastic genius was back as if nothing had ever happened, as if two gods who had now left the room hadn't been fighting next to us moment before

"We should probably go help" I reminded her as despite how happy and calm the room seemed at the moment, I could faintly hear all the fighting going on outside, the war sadly wasn't over yet.

"Yeah yeah in a minute" she mumbled before kissing me again.



So I bring news and please don't hate me. I'm not going to do a sequel. I just can't imagine that I'll keep up the sequel because I'm not really good with that. BUT I will make this longer and I will be doing TWO epilogues so you can see how this book works out. I just don't want to do 3 chapters of the sequel and then end up leaving it because my GCSEs start and you guys won't know how it ends.

Anyway hope you loved the Chapter and comment what you think!

Thanks for reading and credit to Only_A_Nobody and hayleykane  for helping me with this idea!!!


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