Chapter 27

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*Chapter 27*

Charlie's POV

Peter smiled as he took my hand supportively. Today we were telling everyone that we were together. I don't know why I was so nervous but I was pretty much shitting myself right now.

We walked in and I was about to talk when they all turned to look at us with a shocked look, Natasha holding up a magazine. I walked over to them confused and took it out her hand to see what all the fuss was about.

"Charlotte Stark and long time best friend Peter Parker dating?' Was the head line. The front cover was a picture of us from yesterday walking out Avengers tower holding hands and laughing. Oh shit.

" it true? Are you two dating?" My dad pressed. I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck and nodded as Peter came and stood at my side.

"Well yes and no, mostly yes" I tried to put it lightly and make the situation better or less awkward but it appeared that there was no way to do that.

My mum smiled brightly at us. "Aw you guys are such a cute couple! When did it happen?" She asked excitedly. Honestly, she was more like a fan girl who had us as her OTP or something.

"It was at the whole Loki thing. He kissed me to get Loki out my head" I explained, still feeling a bit awkward talking about it while my dad looked at us with the weirdest expression ever on his face. Gosh man stop it.

"Ha I so called it pay up!" Natasha exclaimed, holding her hand out to Clint who grunted and put 20 bucks in her hand while crossing his arms. Damn I should of got in on that bet, easy money really.

Everyone seemed pretty cool with it, giving us a smile and going back to what they were doing except for my dad who just sat there with the same weirded out look. There wasn't much we could do but stare back at him until he snapped out of it.

"So you two are like an actual thing now?" He processes slowly, his fingers pointing between the two of us. Peter nodded.

"Okay, well congratulations I guess" My dad said, still looking really confused. I shrugged since I wasn't expecting much more out of him anyway.


The Avengers BBQ was something that was always fun. We sat up on the roof as Thor returned from Asgard and mingled with everyone. Ashley, Rhodey, Sam and even Fury were here and many more people who I had no idea who they were.

I sat in the corner eating a Hot dog while my dad sat next to me. "You know I remember the first Avengers BBQ, back when you were like what? 14,15? Back when you lived here and you still let me take you places and you weren't dating a guy who shoots webs. Good times" My dad remised. I rolled my eyes and laughed at him.

I knew that he did like Peter but as lots of Dads were, he wasn't exactly happy about his only daughter getting a boyfriend which was understandable I guess.

"Yeah and I didn't have awesome powers which made my life so much easier" I smirked. I used my telekinesis to lift up the ketchup and squirt ketchup onto my hot dog. If you couldn't do that with your powers then what was the point?

Steve walked over with a beer in his hand, sitting down next to us. "Fury seems interested in your new powers Charlie, he might ask you to join the new Shield" He pointed out. I didn't want to join Shield. I wanted to go into science and tech. Why would I want to voluntarily do exercise? I don't run.

"Not after this, do you reckon I can use my powers to steal his hot dog?" I smirked at them. My dad looked excited at the idea and I could see a small smirk tugging on Steve's lips.

"Do you think he'll get annoyed?" Steve asked, knowing that the answer was probably yes.

"Please, it wouldn't be the first time I got away with stealing thing from you kind of people" I laughed to myself.

Steve and my dad both have me a pointed look. "Ha I mean it would totally be the first time" I lied and gave them an innocent smile which just made them roll there eyes at me.

I watched as a red mist lifted Fury's hot dog out his hand and start to float its way over to me while he was talking to Peter. Both of them turned to watch the hot dog fly across the air and land in my hands. I gave them a quick wave and started to eat it.

"Well mini Stark, I see you are using your powers for good" Fury said sarcastically as he made his way over. I shrugged and nodded, totally agreeing that it was a worthy use. I was hungry and I needed food but I didn't want to get up, problem solved.

"I'm here to offer you a position on the Avengers" He spoke. My dad spat his drink out and shook his heads

"No no. My daughter is not becoming one of your creepy spies and she is sure as hell not joining to Avengers. I would like her to have a Fury free life" My dad coughed. Fury didn't look at all offended, nor did he even seem to care about what my dad said. Instead he just turned to look at me for my answer.

"I'll pass. I'm going to carry on with Science and Tech at MIT. I'll help out sometimes though because let's face it, at some point you will need me" I pointed out cockily and they all rolled there eyes with a chuckle.

This really was my life. A super hero, genius, millionaire, philanthropist father. A genius, sweet, super hero boyfriend. A smart, emotional mother. And 5 super heroes who i would gladly call family and I wouldn't have it any other way.


LAST CHAPTER GUYS! Only the Epilogues now! Sad times! I hope you liked the very last chapter!

Comment what you think and thanks for reading!


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