Chapter 17

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*Chapter 17*

Charlie's POV

Shane wasn't lying when he said the place I bought off him was nice. It was fairly big and had everything I needed in it already since he had been renting it out to people. But it was my flat now, my home.

It felt good to finally be independent. I was 18 years old after all and most people did move out after 18. My plan was to take a year off and then go to uni, probably MIT. Now I had my stuff in here it felt nice. I had snuck back into the tower with Ashley and taken the rest of my stuff.

I knew the Avengers could easily track me but if any of them had the nerve to knock on my door, they hadn't yet. If been gone for over two weeks and I hadn't seen any of them. I had lots of calls and texts for each of them but I didn't reply. I needed time to think and I was sick of them all being in my business all the time. I wasn't an Avenger. I didn't belong with them. I was my own person and I didn't have to ask their permission to do anything.

I knew they knew I was okay. After all, the magazines loved to take pictures of me out and about. The most recent one had a picture of me going out to lunch yesterday with Ashley. The head line read 'Charlotte Starks new life, Charlie and long time friend Ashely Jackson have a bonding session while dads out at work', talking about how I had bought a knew flat. I knew that they would have seen that and therefore, knew I was okay.

I'd made a new friend too, Dylan Samuals, the boy who lived next door to me. He seemed nice. He was a year older than me and had taken an apprenticeship at some business down the street. He'd come over sometimes and we'd watch movies and play Grand theft auto. However, it did make me miss Peter. I felt bad, almost like I was replacing him. I knew I shouldn't, after all he had been the one who stopped spending time with me but I knew I couldn't fully blame him for that.

He was Spider-Man, that came first. I almost wanted to through something at a wall. I was sick of these super heroes. I was sick of them thinking they knew what was best for me, sick of them thinking I was some damsel in distress, sick of them judging every move I make because their so perfect.

As for finding my real mother, I'd made some progression. I didn't have all the tech I had at Avengers tower but I had a great deal of it. I'd searched the name through many databases and ended up hacking Shield to search her name. I found that they had a file on her but I hadn't looked at it yet since it was classified and it would take some decrypting to open it, then again, so did everything at shield.

They even had a file on me, which I found surprising. It didn't have too much on me, just that I had a high IQ, was good in combat and was Iron Mans daughter. It also mentioned that my real mother was Kelly Daniels and that Pepper Potts was my adoptive mother. I should of hacked Shield sooner, even they knew.

I assumed I would probably get some angry message from Fury when he found out I hacked Shield but I didn't really care, what was he going to do about it?

I sat down with a cup of hot chocolate, even though it was summer and got reading to Decrypt. It took my longer than I expected but eventually I broke into the file.

Kelly Johanna Daniels

Birth: December 29th 1980
Occupation: last known occupation at Stark industries in 1997
Current location: Unknown
Other: The mother to Charlotte Stark with Anthony Stark. Abandoned Charlotte at Anthony Starks home on August 1st 1997.

So she abandoned me on my dad door step, how original of her. Part of me hoped I would discover that she had a good reason for not being around and that I could meet her and hopefully she would understand. But I was wrong. She was just another person to toss me aside.

A knock at the door got my attention and I walked over, looking through my peep whole to see a flash of red hair. Oh great. I left the door and went back to my computer, going off the file and deciding to sit and watch some TV. I heard the door open despite me purposefully ignoring it.

"You know, not answering the door is a sign that you don't want to talk someone" I pointed out, not taking my eyes off the TV.

"Your can't avoid us forever" Natasha stated, standing in front of the TV so I couldn't watch it. Damn it, I hadn't seen that episode of Big Bang theory.

I turned the TV off and finally looked at her. "So my dad sent you here I guess?" I questioned but she shook her head.

"Who was it then? Fury I assume?" I raised an eyebrow and judging by the look on her face I would say that I was right.

"Bet you figured I'd come"

"I figured Fury would send someone after not, not that he would send an Avenger" I retorted. Usually, people who crack under Natasha's hard state but I'd seen it before, so instead I stared back with the same intensity.

"I volunteered. I don't care about you hacking Shield, I would have done the same thing" she spoke. I looked at her surprised. I assumed I was going to get some lecture on responsibility but Natasha had surprised me.

"Why are you here then?" I questioned her.

"Because I wanted to talk to you. Believe it or not I get what your going through. Do you think it's easy being the only female Avenger? They are all constantly doubting my ability, treating me different to how they would treat their other team mates, leaving me out of group days. I get you with that. I know I don't understand the whole lying thing but since I'm trained to lie, I can guess what it's like" She stayed. I'd never really thought about it before but I guess she was right, she was the one who had always had faith in my abilities and never judged me like the others.

"No offence but I'm sick of superheroes" I sighed and lay my head back on the sofa.

A smirk tugged on her lips. "Good job I'm not one huh?" She chuckled a bit. I have her a slight smile.

"I'm here as a friend Charlie. I don't see you as a kid, I see you as an adult, I always have. I get that you really need to hate someone right now but when the time comes, don't shut them out" She advised me before casually strolling out of my apartment and shutting the door behind her.


Hey guys so I decided to write 'The only one' so hopefully that should be up soon!

Thanks for reading

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