Chapter 9

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*Chapter 9*

Charlie's POV

My eyes peeled open and landed on the person sat by my bed. The sun was stinging my eyes, making me squint so that they would focus and I could see who was sitting there. "Hey, how are you feeling?" I knew by the voice that it was Peter.

"That's a bit of a stupid question isn't it? But to answer it, I feel like shit" I croaked, my throat feeling really sore. He looked at me sympathetically which made me roll my eyes.

It wasn't like I was dying or anything, I was perfectly fine.

"The Doctor said you can leave soon, when you ready, but you have to use crutches" He explained.


So that meant more fuss. How was I meant to go out on my skateboard or clubbing with crutches? Or drive for that matter? Wait-

"My car, what happened to my beautiful car? All I remember is slamming on the breaks and seeing some guy, after that it's black" I told him. Peter looked sideways, trying to avoid making eye contact with me. That meant it was bad.

My poor car, my poor poor car.

"Well the man shot something onto you car and it exploded, your head went through the window so I assume that's why you don't remember. Anyway Steve managed to get you out in time before the car was completely destroyed"

Completely destroyed.

He could have at least sugar coated it and said it had gone to heaven or something. Now I know it's in ashes.

I pouted, sticking out my bottom lip like I always did. I was about to say something else when the door burst open again. "Charlotte? Oh my baby! I'm so glad your okay!" My mum cried as she rapped me in a tight hug, crushing my bones. Ow . I awkwardly patted her on the back as she cried onto my shoulder.

My dad burst in a second later, hugging me as soon as mum got off, though he wasn't as soppy as she was. "I'm glad your okay Charlie" He spoke softly.

"Well duh! What would your life be with out me?" I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

"I'll get going now" Peter waved to us and left the room, leaving me with both of my parents.


After about an hour of them talking to me about how happy they were that I was okay and face timing my grandparents who said the exact same thing, I finally got some quiet time to myself.

I pulled my phone out, feeling rather down that I was stuck in some hospital bed and deciding to watch some youtube videos to pass time.

"Nants ingonyama bagithi baba

Sithi uhhmm ingonyama

Nants ingonyama bagithi baba

Sithi uhhmm ingonyama


Siyo nqoba


Ingonyama nengw' enamabaal

Ingonyama nengw' enamabala

Ingonyama nengw' enamabala

From the day we arrive on the planet

And, blinking, step into the sun

There's more to see than can ever be seen

More to do than can ever be done

There's far too much to take in here

More to find than can ever be found" I screamed out, probably sounding like a bag of dead cats as I smiled while watching The Lion king clip. Steve picked that moment to open the door to my room, giving me a strange look as my face radiated pure glee as i looked at my phone screen.

"What are you doing?" He asked, looking at me with a horrified expression.

"Being dramatic" I scolded him.

He walked over towards to bed and sat on the chair, a guilty expression on his face. "Look, I'm just going to get straight to it. The man who attacked us, well I know him. His name is Bucky Barnes, he was my best friend back in the 1940s."He paused, rubbing his hands together nervously "He was corrupted by Hydra to become the Winter solider. Natasha and I had to deal with him last year and he saved my life, leading me to think he was regaining his memory. But Loki escaped yesterday and took over Bucky's mind, I think or I hope I guess. And- well, I can't help but feel guilty" He explained putting his head in his hands.

"Why?" I shrugged, confused about how any of that was his fault.

"Because, Loki's mission is to destroy the Avengers, the reason he would have used Bucky is to get to me so you got hurt because I was there" He told me.

I shrugged again. "Yeah but I'm fine so it's all chilled" I smiled, going to grab my pudding which sat by the side of my bed.

"YOU COULD HAVE DIED CHARLIE" He shouted, scaring the shit out of me and making me drop my pudding cup on the floor. What a waste. That pudding cup could have been something beautiful, what did it ever do to you Steve, huh?

"But I didn't. There's no point in feeling guilty about it Steve, it's not like I blame you or anything, it's Loki's fault. Now if you don't mind, I would like to go get another pudding cup" I spoke, reaching over for my crutches and gracefully hopping out the door in style.

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