Chapter 2

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*Chapter 2*

Charlie's POV

Peter turned around at the sign of footsteps and watched me walk down the road with Clint. "Hey Charlie, Agent Barton" Peter greeted friendly but Clint just glared at him, not saying a word.

"Dad didn't want to me come unless I had one of them with me so Clint's going to be around" I explained and he nodded in understanding. Clint was clearly able to tell that Peter had been hiding something ever since they met, and Clint was good at holding grudges.

"See you later Barton" I waved to Clint and walked over to Peter who slung his arm around me.

I had decided to wear some jeans and a nice blue t -shirt with my converse, I didn't really go for a fancy look.

"He really hates me, doesn't he?" Peter chuckled a bit, turning to see Clint walking away still glaring at Peter, as he made his way to a roof.

I simply rolled my eyes. "He's like a bloody greyhound. I'm pretty sure he knows your hiding something" I said, referring to his other identity. I'm sure when or if Clint finds out he will realise he was being silly, but at the moment, there was no convincing him otherwise.

"Oh well, your mum and dad like me. To be honest I would be scared if Bruce or Thor didn't like me, I mean, their huge" It was true, my mum and dad liked him a lot. My dad was happy that he was smart and was fine with Peter being round all the time as he was a science nerd, I guess that just warmed my dad's heart.

"Yeah they all like you, besides Clint of course" I shrugged as we pushed open the apartment buildings doors, having to go to flat D where Flash lived.

"Well I've known your parents for 10 years so I would be worried if they didn't" He chuckled. Yeah, Peter and I became best friends when I was 7. My parents weren't together then and it was before the whole Iron Man fiasco, simpler times really.

Before my parents got together, I lived with my dad as my mum was his personal assistant, so she was there all the time anyway. They got together the year before the battle of New York, when I was 13 and mum officially moved in.

"Just because you're a dork Pete" I smirked at his nickname, knowing that he really hated it.

"You're smart too" He pointed out, trying to find a fault in my logic.

"Yeah, but I do it in a cool way" I reminded him and we knocked on the door for flat D. The music was so loud that I could hear it through the door as well as all the people cheering. The floor was pounding with the music, no doubt earning many complaints from the neighbours below.

A random guy opened the door with out saying anything before walking off back into the party, making Peter and I give each other a side glance as we walked in. "Well how are you cool yet smart then?" Peter questioned, closing the door behind us.

"Easy. You stop being a pussy and join me in detention" I laughed, walking over to the table of beers and grabbing one. This wasn't the first party if been too but I didn't go to many, I wasn't allowed usually plus I was a fan of staying in a binge watching to shows.

"I join you in detention anyway" Peter defended himself. He wasn't a goody two shoes or anything but he honestly made me look like the bad influence, which I totally wasn't...........

"Climbing or should I say flying on your webs, through the window of detention so I don't get bored out of my mind doesn't count. You actually have to get the slip and everything" I clarified, referring to all the times he would come and sit with me in detention so I didn't die of Boredom.

"I've had a detention before"

"Yeah but for skate boarding in school, I mean, that's not a big deal" I shrugged. The kind of things I got detentions for were like, arguing with teachers, doing a smackcam on some bitch in our school etc. The usual really.

"You know, you're really like the devil on my shoulder" He chuckled just as I passed him a beer. That's just a coincidence.

"Bitch please, I'm the angel"

I could see Clint from the window, on a roof top near by, reading something yet clearly alert, watching us carefully over the top of his book. It wasn't needed to have him here, but I was used to it. Until I was 14, I had Happy as my body guard 24/7. Then my dad joined the Avengers and I ended up living with them so they became my bodyguards instead. I didn't need one at school though now, because I could defend myself.

The threat now was someone trying to get back at the avengers or Iron Man, but before it was simply that someone could kidnap me for my dads money.

As the party progressed, I ended up sitting on the sofa as Peter was talking to some girl.  I felt the pressure on the sofa change slightly as someone sat down next to me.

"Hey Charlie" Flash smirked as he sat down on the sofa next to me. I mentally rolled my eyes and forced a smile onto my face.

"Hi" I looked around awkwardly. We had never talked and I was a bit of an awkward person really.

"Do you want to go outside?" He asked, though he wasn't really asking as before I knew it, I was on my feet and outside on the balcony with him.

He looked over at me again and smiled while I mentally cursed myself for sitting alone on that sofa.

"So I-" he paused as an arrow hit him, almost tasering him as he passed out on the ground. I looked up to see Clint waving at me from the roof and I looked back at him in disbelief. I so had that under control.

My phone buzzed with a call from Clint, which I answered straight away and interrupted him before I could speak. "WHAT THE HELL?" I screamed down the phone as I looked as Flash who was now drooling on the floor.

"What?" Clint spoke calmly back into the phone.


"He had intentions, trust me I'm a guy I know" Clint chuckled to himself.

I took the arrow off Flash and pulled him on a chair with a beer bottle to make it look like he had just passed out.

Peter came rushing out, probably due to me screaming and looked to Flash was confusion written on his face. "Hey you okay?" He asked as I put my phone on loud speaker.

I looked between Peter and Flash before replying. "Yeah I'm good" I rolled my eyes.

"What happened?" He exclaimed as Flash slumped to the side slightly, causing me to shift him so his head was on the small coffee table.

"Some guy tried to get with her, nice protecting Parker" I heard Clint growl from the phone. I rolled my eyes and told him I'd see him in a few hours, grabbing Peter and dragging him inside .

I lived with a load of maniacs.

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