Chapter 5: The Final Showdown!

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"..." Aoi stares intensely at the PokeBall...

"This is it... Let's just hope our buddy here can help us fight Flint..." Aoi hopes as Gold and Eevee looks on it absolute support of the Pokemon inside it's PokeBall...

Aoi enters the doorway, as Flint stands there... He was expecting him.

"... 10 years of age... Yet you barely look anything like a man." Flint mocks as Aoi smirks.

"You promised us a one on one fight, right? Well..." Aoi points the PokeBall at Flint,

"This very Pokemon will be your end! I will get the badge even if you hate it!" Aoi shouts as Flint smirks,

"The tone in your voice burns like fire..." Flint grabs Onix's PokeBall,

"Let's just hope it can be backed up... Crush them, Onix!" Flint shouts as he throws the PokeBall as the same Onix, who recognized Aoi, pops up and roars.

But Gold and Eevee stand... They don't flinch like last time...

"... Okay, little guy, we've caught and trained you all night..." Aoi is seen wearing swim trunks and no shirt, revealing he is rather skinny, grabbing a Pokemon that is small and blue...,

"... Let's see if the training paid off..." Aoi positions and throws the PokeBall,

"Poliwag, I choose you!" Aoi shouts as a Poliwag, a small yet terrifying water type pops out of the PokeBall.

"Poliwag!" It says in confidence, as it looks at the Onix, knowing it's typing in its training,

"Hm... Did you catch another Pokemon? Figured... But I will say, it looks rather confident in its abilities. This should be good." Flint commands,

"Onix! Slap that tadpole out of our arena!" Flint shouts as Onix does so, as Aoi smirks,

"Poliwag! Dodge the hits!" Aoi says, and as expected, with minimal effort Aoi's Poliwag does so as Samurai is seen on the second floor, looking down on the two, a bit surprised by the new edition,

"So... He really took my advice, huh? Heh... This traveling stuff might not be boring after all..." Samurai says as Aoi commands,

"Poliwag! Use bubble!" Aoi shouts as it does so, straying the Onix with a large blast of water, making it stumble back to its ground typing.

"Hm... It actually damaged him..." Flint was impressed,

"Onix! Use screech!" Flint commanded as Onix does so, lowering Poliwag's defense.

"Huh!?! It knows a move like that!?!" Aoi was surprised as Poliwag stumbles a bit, before being hit away by an even harsher force.

"!" Aoi's eyes widened as Gold's and Eevee's does as well.

"P-Poli..." Poliwag was heavily injured as Aoi grits his teeth,

"Poliwag... I know we haven't been with one another for long... But... I know we can do this..." Aoi thinks, before saying,

"Poliwag! I know you can do this! If you still have energy, let's continue to the very end!" Aoi cheers as Poliwag gets up, more confident than ever,

"Hehe... Good work Poliwag!" Aoi cheers once more as Flint looked on in amusement and impression.

"... This kid... In the face of danger... He'll forfeit for his Pokemon's safety... Yet when he knows the battle can be put in his favor... He'll make sure his Pokemon is more confident than ever. This kid has something up his sleeve..." Flint thinks as Aoi suddenly says,

"Poliwag! Use a water gun! And aim it at Onix's eyes!" Aoi shouts as Poliwag suddenly...

"Huh? Why is it...!" Flint is shocked as Poliwag is scaling Onix...!

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