Chapter 31: The Ninja Poke-Showdown!

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Aoi and the others are somewhat lost in the large forest reading to Fuchsia City, as from a waterfall, many of the Pokemon swing in a small pond that circulates water.

"Come on! I want to get to Fuchsia and win another badge!" Ash hoped everyone was excited to go, but...

"Wait a minute, let's wait for our Pokemon to finish," Misty says as Ash sighs, seeing many of Aoi's Pokemon including Misty's Psyduck using the pond,

"Come on guys, we better get going!" Ash hoped as Aoi sighed, cleaning up last minute and returning his various Pokemon,

"I'm coming I'm coming," Ashter said, putting his bag on, but after a bit of traveling...

"Huh... That's weird..." Misty and the others stop in front of a huge mansion, but it was styled with a very old look from what Brock said,

"Well, at least we can ask someone here where the Fuchsia Gym is," Ash mentioned, as soon,

"Hello? Is somebody here?" Ash slides open the sliding door, as entering, Brock mentioned how deserted the place is, which made Aoi's skin tickle a little...

The air around here is ominous... Too quiet...

"Guys... I have a feeling something is here." Aoi says as Brock questions,

"How would you know? Besides, we encountered a lot of deserted homes around here," Brock says as Ash continued on, calling for someone, but suddenly,

"A-Ah-" Says Misty, as turning around, she was missing,

"Wait... Where did Misty go!?!" Aoi is a bit weirded out by the place and now bound here until Misty was found.

"... It's a secret door." Brock quickly investigates the area, opening the door leading to a darkened hallway, but inside are some boxes, and a surprising new guest.

"Venonat." It says in an echoed voice, as if psychic, but it was a bug so it can't be...


"Venonat, a Bug Pokemon. Its eyes function as radars, allowing it to see in the dark." The dex says as Venonat says its name, but suddenly...

"!?!" Aoi's eyes widened as something pushes him into yet another secret door,

"Aoi!?!" The others say, as he stumbled into a slide and plopped into another room,

"Hey... What gives-?" Aoi says, before looking on in a bit of shock, entering a room where ten other guys stand in a formatted line at the sides.

"Wait... This feels like..." Aoi says, before being answered,

"Yes. This building right here is where I, Koga, reside... Welcome to the Fuchsia Gym, where ninjas like myself are trained to master the darkness." Koga says, as a woman in electric pink bows in honor,

"Honorable brother... It seems Venonat has relayed information that three other stupid-looking people have entered, alongside this worthy trainer." She says as Koga nods,

"Thank you, Aya. Now, bring them to me, we will battle them here in this honored arena." Koga says, is a brother figure, but seems to be a master at the ninja. The other ten bow in respect, as they sit on their legs,

"I heard great things about you, young trainer. Stories and myths regarding your presence and a Pokemon or two never seen. Show them to me." Koga demanded as Aoi felt the aura around him intense as if stares were being given,

"..." Aoi reluctantly grabs his two Pokeballs, showing them as two Pokemon, and pop comes out Aoi's Pidgeot, Gold, and Eeveon. This awes the two, seeing this golden Pidgeot and mysterious Eeveon.

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