Chapter 6: Mt. Moon

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After a bit of traveling, Samurai and Aoi both ended up in the mysterious Mt. Moon. It was filled with Pokemon from Zubats to Paras.

"Wow... Look at all the Pokemon..." Aoi was very fascinated with this... Samurai was too.

"I have never seen such wildlife before since the Viridian Forest..." Samurai admits that this was a LOT of life. Pokemon are everywhere as trainers come here and the two fight them off, gaining money, and Samurai are surprised by it.

Continuing on...

"Gotcha!" Samurai is seen catching a small little Sandshrew who is his first ground type, who it too climbs and is on his shoulder.

"H-Hey little guy..." Samurai was a bit shy around its new partner, but it wasn't, it was affectionate the little guy.

"Don't worry, Eevee sometimes does that two," Aoi commands as Gold flaps and is just flying. Eevee sits on the shoulder, indifferent to the openly affectionate Sandshrew.

"..." Eevee stares at it, Sandshrew only looks away, more caring to its new trainer.

But soon, the two encounter...

"Hm?" Aoi and Samurai both see...

"Hey! A Clefairy!" Aoi says as Samurai hushes him,

"Shh! If you want to see the Pokemon you have to be quiet!" Samurai scolds as Aoi awkwardly chuckles lightly, doing what he was suggested.

Aoi looks... The Clefairy holds an odd rock... It shines... And it glows in its hand, but the glow seems to be forcefully halted in a sense.

"Clefairy! Clefairy!" It says with joy, jumping and somewhat sliding slowly in the air, as if on the moon.

"C'mon, let's go follow it!" Aoi softly says as Samurai was on his tail, Sandshrew on his shoulder.

The two continue to follow the Clefairy, surprised by how far it's going,

"Do you think we're heading to an exit...?" Aoi wondered as Samurai doubts it.

"Pokemon like these know exits... But unless they have a home outside of these here caves, I doubt they'll lead us to a human environment." Samurai deduces as Aoi nods.

"Good point," Aoi says, as the two suddenly are led outside of the cave. But another is farther out.

"..." The two were a bit cautious, looking at one another before carrying on.

And what they see shocks their eyes...

"Woah! It's a whole bunch of Clefairy!" Aoi was stunned as Samurai only saw groups of Beedrill... Not this.

"Clefairy?" They were confused before one communicates with Eevee and Gold.

Gold takes kindly to their talk, but Eevee is only fascinated with the Moon Stones lying around...

It was like he was drawn to it. Yet... It knows not to.

"Wow... Look at these rocks..." Aoi looks at the rocks, a Clefairy notices Aoi's gaze as it offers him to look at one,

"You... Want me to check it out?" Aoi looks at the larger and more "complete" rocks.

Aoi happily takes it, sitting on the ground as he looks at the rock. It shines with a greyish green and blue glow with a few yellow lines across it...

"Wow... It's shining..." Aoi holds a fully intact Moonstone while it glistens like the moonlight as it shimmers like a diamond...

"Hey, Gold, Eevee! Look at this!" Aoi calls as Gold and Eevee does so.

Their eyes shimmered as Samurai was very curious about this form of cooperation between smaller and bigger Clefairy.

"Clefable?" Says...

"Wow... Clefable!" Aoi scans both its previous and current evolutions.

"Wow... We're learning a tone from these sorts of... Civilizations?" Aoi wondered as the Clefable seems to take interest in Aoi and his stunning Pidgeotto.

"Clef!" They praise Gold, seemingly amazed by him, as in certain lights his feathers shine like they're golden.

"!" A Clefable plucks a feather, startling the bird. The group looks at the feather, before pointing at the Moonstone in Aoi's hand and they point at the feather,

"Huh? You... You want to trade this for the feather?" Aoi wondered as Gold is scared, standing behind his trainer in fright.

The Clefairy and Clefable nod, as Aoi smiles,

"Well, I appreciate it, but please... Hehe, ask Gold beforehand..." Aoi rubs the bird's head, calming it.

"Clefairy!" They all say even the Clefable,

"Fable!" They agreed as Samurai is seen being watched by the Pokemon from afar, not used to these caves, he was a bit awkward.

"Hey, Samurai? You okay?" Aoi walks to him and asks, as he sighs,

"Well... I'm still getting used to being outside the forest..." He lightly rubs the chin of his Sandshrew,

"I... I'm just getting used to all these changes... Ya know?" He wondered if Aoi understands, he does,

"I understand completely. You know... I too was a bit nervous to go on my own. But with Gold, my childhood friend, I felt like I could do anything as long as he stands by my side." Aoi bits up Eevee, as he purrs a bit,

"With all my friends I can do anything. As long as I can cheer them on I won't let them down." Aoi happily says as Samurai was... A bit inspired.

"... Heh... You know, I heard similar words before. From a trainer named Ash Ketchum." Samurai says as Aoi smiles,

"Sounds just like him. You know... I saw him a bit before leaving my hometown... He and his Pikachu didn't get along. Same with Eevee... But hearing that you encountered him... He must've grown a lot." Aoi says as Samurai nods.

"Who knows how much a trainer grows after not seeing them for a few days," Aoi says, as afterward, he waves bye to the Clefairy and Clefable.

"Guess that means we'll be off looking for the exit?" Aoi and Samurai both are outside of the cave, but it was getting dark.

"No, I think we should set up camp. A lot of Pokemon tend to hunt at night, so let's camp here for now." Samurai suggested as Aoi nods.

"Sure." He says as Aoi is seen wearing his black shirt and black shorts, Samurai wearing his white tank top and black shorts, as he is seen with a pan and a campfire, as all the Pokemon, Gold, Eevee, Poliwag, Beedrill, Pinsir, Butterfree, and Sandshrew are seen eating some Pokemon Food.

"..." The two eat some food, talking, telling stories, as their Pokemon were becoming closer and closer...

Everyone has a good time, as Aoi is seen at a nearby lake, using the lake to clean himself he wears trunks and no shirt as he cleanses himself.

"..." Aoi however thinks back on his first day...

Almost or over a week ago... So much happened... It was crazy to him.

"... I wonder how dad is doing..." Aoi wondered, as drying himself, he heads back to the camp with his sleepwear on.

"Ah, there you are Aoi. I was wondering when you'd come back." Samurai greets him as he starts getting comfortable in his sleeping bag.

"Yeah yeah... But I had to clean myself. I can't go a night without it." Aoi says as Samurai nods.

"That's a goal for me then. To be... More self-caring." Samurai sets a goal for himself as soon...

The Pokemon, inside or out, Aoi and Samurai fall asleep, ready to head off into the next city.

End of Chapter 6.

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