Chapter 10: Hidden Village

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"Stupid traps...!" Aoi climbs out as Samurai does with ease,

"Who... Who's idea was it... To put these things here!?!" Aoi complains as Gold shrugs its wings, unphased by the inability of his trainer to fly as Eeveon looks rather confused, thanks to its speed and agility.

"Well, MAYBE if you had trained harder back at AJ's place, you'd be more fit for these situations!" Samurai says as Aoi sighs,

"I haven't worn armor my whole life, so I guess it's my fault for being weak," Aoi says as the two continue their adventure.

"Woah..." Aoi says as the bride they would've crossed is broken to bits.

"Man... This bridge is wrecked..." Aoi says as he then commands,

"Gold, see if there is a path to the other side." Aoi says as his Pidgeotto does so, coming back and shaking its head with a "no".

"... Great," Aoi says as Samurai points,

"We might not be able to cross, but maybe we can take an alternative path?" Samurai suggested as Aoi looks a bit... Uncertain.

"... I don't know. Sure, we might have a map, sure, but we have Pokemon that can help us, but I don't like the looks of taking a path that potentially doesn't have a road." Aoi says as Samurai sighs,

"Aoi. I have been living in the woods majority of my life. I know when or when a forest is good or bad." Samurai says as Aoi suggested,

"Maybe we can see if anyone is nearby? It's better to ask for directions than to wonder endlessly-"

"And he's gone." Aoi looks in annoyance at Samurai's disapproval of asking for help or an easier way around things.

"Seems like we have to go help that smooth-headed man," Aoi says as Eeveon and Gold nod in agreement.

"Okay, Scyther, come on out!" Aoi says as Scyther comes out of its Pokeball,

"Scyther!" It says as Aoi asks,

"Hey, Scyther, you know how forests and woods work, right girl?" Aoi wondered as she nods.

"Okay. If you can, do you know how to track down any other humans that wandered here? Or any Pokemon?" Aoi asks as his Scyther does so.

It looks at the ground, touching it a bit with the tip of its claw...

It took a while before she suddenly gains a trace of recent human activity.

"Scy! Scyther!" It calls out as Aoi smirks,

"Let's go to wherever this person is then!" Aoi says as the four walked for what seemed like a good few minutes...

"!" Everyone was surprised as a band of Pokemon look a bit curious at the group that stumbled upon them.

"Woah! Look at all these Pokemon!" Aoi was shocked as Scyther communicates with the few...

They seemed nervous but immediately became more open with Scyther and her request, some Pokemon going into the cabin located feet away.

"So, what did they say, girl?" Aoi wondered as he gains the knowledge she holds.

"Oh... So this is a sort of Pokemon Spa for injured and abandoned Pokemon?" Aoi wondered as Gold is seen getting its feathers cleaned as Eeveon does so too.

"Oh, hello there traveler! I didn't expect to see more coming by so soon!" Says a blue-haired girl. Melanie is her name.

"Hey! Melanie! I got some berries and firewood!" Says...

"A-Aoi! Gosh, didn't expect to see you here so soon!" Samurai says, holding a few exotic berries as Scyther and Aoi look back at their own other than at Samurai...

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