Chapter 34: The Bridge Bike Gang

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Continuing on, the four are in yet another town, where a bridge near completion is almost given to the people who are walking. Cars and bicycles ride across the area to the next town, Sunny Town, and the group stops at a Pokemon Center,

"We're not too far from the next Pokemon Gym," Brock says as Aoi is seen touching up on Gold's brilliant feathers, as it chirps in delight,

"Well I don't know about you, but with my team, we're going to ROCK whatever gym is coming our way. Right, Gold?" Aoi says as Gold's chirping continues, as Nurse Joy comes around with the team's Pokemon,

"Here you are, all of your Pokemon are well rested." Nurse Joy gives Aoi his Eeveon, Haunter, Poliwrath, and Charizard as she gives Ash his Pidgeotto, Primeape, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Haunter.

"Thank you very much!" The two say separately, as soon,

"But, may I ask you, young trainer?" Nurse Joy wondered as the group was imminently listening,

"There is a sick Pokemon all the way in the Pokemon Center in Sunny Town, and I would go but I am also caring for sick Pokemon..." Nurse Joy says as Aoi walks up, Gold in toe,

"Don't worry, Nurse Joy, with Gold here I can travel and get the medicine to the Pokemon Center," Aoi says, as moments later he is seen standing right next to a sickly Pokemon,

"Just pour the powder into the tank." Nurse Joy says, as Gold is put inside their Pokeball, as the Pokemon, a Shellder, suddenly awakes, its eye-opening as the Pokemon's eyes twinkled, seeing the young boy as the Shellder happily jumps to the boy,

"W-Woah... It seems this Shellder has taken a liking to you!" Nurse Joy says as Aoi looked at the Shellder in awe,

"W-Well... Um... Hehe... You're welcome, Shellder." Aoi says as the Shellder rests in the square bowl of water,

"See you soon, Nurse Joy!" Aoi says, before rushing away...




Upon entering a resting area, Aoi drinks a can of soda,

"This is a nice change of pace..." Aoi says as Gold spreads its wings, as he happily feels the rush of air go through it,

"Pidgeot~!" It is seemingly sung, as soon,

"Hey! Aoi!" Ash, Brock, and Misty come along as the four had a reunion over some drinks and small food, but soon,

"Okay, time to hit the road," Ash suggested, as with Gold by his side, he was planning on just flying above the waters, but a sudden ambush of MANY people on bikes,

"It's a bicycle gang," Brock noted as he was rather cautious about them, as the group tried to leave but every surrounded the group,

"Hehe... I don't think I've seen you four before." Says a red and orange man with no shirt and a small leather jacket,

"Uh... We're not really from around here, so, uh, see ya...!" Ash says as the man says,

"Hold it!" He demanded as the group had no chance of getting by, as Gold was returned just in case anything fishy comes along. He didn't want any form of tools capturing him, even if they are nice.

"You ain't gonna cross this bridge without a proper introduction,

"When we say introduction, we mean a Pokemon Battle." Says a girl with long green hair and blue eyes, as Aoi and Ash were ready for battles, as Aoi battles the man and Ash battles the girl,

"Hehe... Do you think you can play with the big boys? I'll send you home crying." The man expands a Pokeball, as Aoi thinks,

"I am way too far from home to even care..." He thinks as a Golem pops out of the Pokeball, Aoi was a bit surprised by the Pokemon,

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