Chapter 28: The Punchy Pokemon!

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"So... Daddy issues, huh?" Aoi is seen right next to Brock, Misty, and Ash, after seeing not only Pikachu getting packed by a trainer's Hitmonchan, but the trainer's daughter wants him to come back home. The trainer left with their Pokemon, but upon being out of the picture,

"Why would we join?" Samurai wondered, as Ash begged,

"Please! You gotta help me train my Primeape! He won't listen unless he knows I am its trainer!" Ash begged as Samurai says,

"Hah! Even a novice like you hasn't learned! You earned your badges unfairly, it's no wonder why your Primeape isn't listening!" Samurai lectures from afar as his Sandshrew joined in, agreeing, as Aoi is seen in the fields,

"Alright, you guys! We got a bit longer until we hit the next gym. However... We'll need a Pokemon close to what this weird P-1 Grand Prix allows us to enter. A fighting type." Aoi looks at Poliwrath, who hits its large glove like fists,

"Poliwrath," Poliwrath says in pride of its strength,

"Perfect. If Samurai is allowed to enter with his Pinsir... We'll have more than enough to compete to get this girl's father to come back home!" Aoi says, as everyone nods, and relying on Poliwrath as it punches the air, not too fast, but its power is insane.




Soon, the P-1 Grand Prix started, and people scream in anticipation and excitement as Aoi walks up onto the fighting ring, waving as the light is on not only him, but Ash,

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, two new Pokemon trainers competing here in their P-1 debut! Please welcome, Ash and Aoi!" The announcer says as Ash and Aoi both got their own Fighting Type Pokemon. Ash with his Primeape and Aoi with his Poliwrath.

But Ash was up against a Machop, and at first... It wasn't going well. Machop seems to be more disciplined than Primeape, seeing as it is a weaker Fighting Type while Primeape is a fighting MACHINE.

But that changed quickly, as when Primeape was at a loss, Ash's friendship plot armor allowed him to connect and allow Primeape to grow a sense of respect for Ash. By doing everything on its own, Ash helped Primeape discover its true potential, fighting until Primeape uses its Mega Kick to knock out the Machop.

"Our next match is between Hitmonlee and Poliwrath! Fans, Poliwrath might be an amazing swimmer but it is also amazing on land just as good as it does in the water! Will Hitmonless be able to outmatch Poliwrath!?!" The announcer says as fans and people scream in anticipation and excitement, especially after the first match.

"Poliwrath! Use Mega Punch! Match the Hitmonlee's kicks!" Aoi says as if instant, the two clash punches and kicks, as both Pokemon seemed evenly matched, as they hit once again, before leaping back, never taking their eyes off of one another...

"Poli..." Poliwrath growls,

"Lee," Hitmonlee says flat out,

"Poliwrath! Hydro Pump!" Aoi says in surprise, Hitmonlee dodges the Hydro Pumps from the Poliwrath as people as in amazement, as water sprays" everywhere in the area,

"Poliwrath! Double Edge!" Aoi shouts as with a huge clash of its body, Poliwrath hits the defending Hitmonlee, with its arms covering and taking the blow, Poliwrath's force pushes the Pokemon back,

"Hitmonlee..." Hitmonlee says in annoyance and injured,

"Alright! We're getting through it!" Aoi says as battle after battle, due to a draw, Poliwrath and the Hitmonlee fight longer, defeating more Pokemon alongside Ash's Primeape. Ash and Aoi are now in the finals, as Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan are now face to face... This ended with Hitmonchan being horribly injured, and its trainer, Anthony, blocks Hitmonlee's attack from hitting his daughter, Rebecca, which resulted in Anthony giving up.

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