Chapter 43: A mixed adventure.

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Takes place in episodes 44 AND 45

"..." The group is seen in a hospital as they recently came here due to a whole APPLE stuck in Pikachu's throat. They are not in a Pokemon Center due to it being too far so this was the best deal for them.

"Will you help me treat them as fast as possible?" Says Nurse Joy on a video call, as a few trucks filled with sick and injured Pokemon crash, causing a large jam as Officer Jenny is trying to get them on board, but they need medical treatment imminently, so they will be transferred to the doctor who doesn't know how to treat Pokemon but has the help of the four.

"Of course, we will!" Everyone says, agreeing to help the doctor in need, and soon,

"C-Cubone!!!" Says a Cubone, sporting many gashes on its skin, many more Pokemon comes through, the area.

But with...

"Alright, Chansey, get the three Pokemon to room A2 as fast as possible-!" Says none other than,

"S-Samurai!?!" Everyone is shocked to see the young man, as Samurai are awed by their appearance,

"W-Why hello everyone! Gosh... I didn't think you'd be here...!" Samurai felt awkward around the group as he wears an outfit for him provided by Nurse Joy. It is white with blue accents here and there with the official Pokemon Center badge on his shirt.

"Anyways, less talk more treating, Chansey, get the Pokemons to A2 stat!" Samurai commands as everyone is seen being guided by the very professional and well-trained Samurai.

"Sandslash, get me some bandages girl!" Samurai says as none other than his newly evolved Sandshrew is a bigger and stronger Sandslash.

"Woah...! Sandshrew evolved into a Sandslash!" Aoi is surprised as Samurai nods,

"Yeah, after the months we've separated, Sandshrew evolved into Sandslash. Now she is my personal assistant." Samurai says as he applies the bandages,

"Broken teeth..." Aoi is seen with Misty as the two treat a Raticate, and Ash and Brock treats the other Pokemon that is circulating at fast speeds.

Many Pokemon floods the hospital, as the many helping hands of none other than Team Rocket comes to play.

"Alright..." Samurai is seen cleaning off his tools, saying,

"Thank you all very much for the help. Now all these Pokemon can go right back to their trainers." Samurai says, as everyone nods, as Team Rocket were just on their way out due to them being dragged into this problem by the doctor Jessie always was oddly lovey dovey over.

"Sand, Sandslash," Sandslash says, as Aoi crouches to her level and the two look eye to eye.

"... You look amazing." Aoi pets the Pokemon, as Sandslash was a bit surprised to be petted,

"You know, someday, I want to have a Pokemon Battle with you. Got it?" Aoi wondered, as the Sandslash nodded,

"Hehe... Well, I gotta get back to Gringy Town, Nurse Joy sent me all this way to help with these Pokemon, to begin with." Samurai packs up his stuff, as Aoi says,

"Samurai!" He said as the nurse in training turns to see him,

"Yes?" He asked, as Aoi says,

"I will beat the Pokemon League! I will beat them for the both of us, so don't you forget it!" Aoi says as Samurai is a bit surprised by this, before chuckling,

"I would greatly appreciate it. Novice." He says, before going away with the many Pokemon riding in the many cars going back to Gringy Town.

"He is very experienced, you know," Brock comments as they continued their journey,

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