Chapter 16: Shipwreck!?!

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Aoi barely wakes up from an excruciating ten-minute-long coma.

He rubs his eyes, unsure of what's happening... But realizing that the place looked...


Aoi is seen walking up on the ceiling of all places,

Upside down...

"Huh...? What's going on?" Aoi rubs the front of his forehead in pain,

"Ow... Whatever that wave was it must've hit me harder than I thought..."

"...?" Aoi gets up and walks to the window, where he noticed one thing... Or, multiple.

"Huh? Fishes...? No, that can't be right, I must be dreaming." Aoi pinches himself, realizing it hurt, he starts to panic,

"Wait... Am I still on the ship!?! Samurai! Samurai!!!" Aoi calls his name as looking at the Samurai's point of view,

"Those foolish trainers! Their Pokemon got us trapped on this boat!" Samurai complains as Sandshrew looked awful, mainly because it is literally underwater.

"Sandshrew, we will get out of this mess, don't you worry," Samurai promised, as Sandshrew hops into Samurai's bag, to keep dry if they do get out and into the water.

"..." Samurai looks around, he is inside the halls and Aoi is trapped in the main room.

"If I guess it correctly, we are upside down," Samurai states the obvious,

"That must mean the exits are further below. There must be a door here too if this ship has any sort of escape protocol..." Samurai guesses as he is off to find this hidden area.

"..." Aoi tries to use his Pokedex, but no signal.

"Great... Now how will I get out..." Aoi wondered as suddenly, a pop and a reveal...

"Poliwhirl!" Says the ever-so-amazing Poliwhirl,

"Ah! Poliwhirl, it's so nice to see you again!" Aoi says as Poliwhirl knew something was up.

"Poli." Poliwhirl steps to another area, as many of the tables and food, are scattered everywhere.

"Wow... To this place, this nice got pirated by Team Rocket of all organizations..."

"Poliwhirl. Do you think you can find a way to an exit?" Aoi wondered as Poliwhirl nodded.

Soon, the two were off.

"..." After a while, Poliwhirl stops, Aoi asks,

"What's wrong, Poliwhirl?" Aoi asks of it as... Its eyes widened,

"Huh...?" Aoi looks on, as a small stream of water slowly floods the place,

"!" Aoi is stunned as the two rush away in a frenzy,

"Poli! Poli!" Poliwhirl is trying to keep up, as Aoi returns it,

"Poliwhirl, return!" Poliwhirl returns safely in its PokeBall, as soon, as Aoi climbs up a floor, as the water rushes down on the main dining hall,

"... Great. Now, where do I go...?" Aoi lost his only open exit.

"... Maybe I can go up and see if there is a sort of exit..." Aoi continues the climb, hopefully to an escape...

"Great! Just great! These leaks are going to reduce our oxygen supply!" Samurai growls as he calms down,

"That means... If there is anyone else on board, I should head up." Samurai then pats his bag,

"Don't worry, Sandshrew. If luck has it I can catch a lifeboat or some sort of help along the way. Don't you worry." Samurai climbs up as well...


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