Chapter 46: Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden!

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Takes place in episode 48.

"Evolve?" Aoi is seen in a Pokemon Center after Bulbasaur had an intense battle with a Ryhorn. But after beating it, Bulbasaur's bulb started glowing.

Taking it to Nurse Joy at a nearby Pokemon Center, the group thought it was sick until Nurse Joy stated its bulb was going to sprout, indicating evolution. Just like what its original caretaker, Melaine, wanted. It needed experience and sun to do so to grow, but this Bulbasaur was different. It didn't spend its youth in the sun, so it might be why it's in pain.

But this had a connection with a particular season for Bulbasaur. Looking out of the window, flowers bloom despite the night sky.

"They say at a certain time of the year, Bulbasaur would gather together from all around the world for the festival for where they evolve. No one knows why they choose this time as it's different every year. But it seems to have to do with the alignment of the planets and the phases of the moon." Nurse Joy educates the group,

"It sure is beautiful..." Misty comments as the flowers bloom and twinkle as if too were the night sky.

But the topic entered the place where Bulbasaur goes to evolve.

The Mysterious Garden.

That's something everyone would love to see.




Things took a turn, however, when Pikachu awakens the trainers.

This is where they realized that Bulbasaur is... Gone.

This brought memorize of Charmander to the group,

"Eeveon! Can you sniff out those Bulbasaurs?" Aoi is seen next to the trainers, as Pikachu hitches a ride on Eeveon's back as he sniffs the group,

"Eve..." Eeveon sniffs, its ears perking up,

"Eeveon!" Eeveon rushes after the scent, as pollen is suddenly more noticeable in the air.

"Huh?" Brock noticed none other than actual vines coming from every direction,

"HUH!?! What's this!?!" Misty comments, as Aoi says,

"Is this forest alive or something!?! Does it have to do with the Mysterious Garden!?!" Aoi says,

"No wonder why nobody hasn't seen it up close!" Brock says, knowing full well now WHY The Mysterious Garden is, well, mysterious.

"There's no way a bunch of stupid vines will stop me from rescuing Bulbasaur! DIVE THROUGH!" Ash says as the trainers jump through the vines, them closing behind them.

"Guess there's only one way to go..." Misty says as the group goes ever onward.

It was a sight to see. A large dead tree and a tree trunk are seen, and the field is filled with many Bulbasaurs.

Chants from them are heard as the sun started to rise above.

This chant however made the dead tree grow, its branches going ever so outward, and leaves started to grow as the mysterious pollen is absorbed into the tree.

More flowers bloomed as if spring was here and it was a show to everyone, even Eeveon.

But a larger Pokemon is heard... This horrified everyone as they believe this turned into some cult as the Bulbasaur cheered and chanted.

And now standing on the cut-down tree, the trunk, a Venusaur is seen.

"Venusaur, the final form of the Bulbasaur evolution. This Seed Pokemon soaks up the sun's rays as a source of energy." It reads as Brock comments on how it works like a plant.

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