Chapter 9: The School of Hard Knocks!

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"Vermilion City... It should be this way..." Aoi continues to look at his Pokedex, as it wasn't doing him as good as he thought.,

"Don't you think we should use an actual map for this stuff? I mean, yes, the Pokedex is doing us wonders... But it can't show as much as a piece of paper." Samurai wondered as Aoi sighs,

"Maybe you're right. But this fog... It's just so thick!" Aoi complains as Samurai shrugs,

"I don't know what to tell you then," Samurai says, as the two soon take a break as a small burner boils some water from which rice was cooking. Not much, but honest work,

"I hope there is a bigger one around here somewhere..." Samurai hoped as Aoi chowed on his small bowl of rice.

"Thank you for the meal." Aoi soon eats as Samurai nods.

"Maybe someday I can be a chef. Who knows." Samurai hoped as Aoi soon finishes his meal.

"I wonder if we're close. Maybe if there is a small town nearby they can help us?" Aoi wondered as Samurai nodded.

"Maybe. But I doubt there would be in this fog." Samurai soon jinxed it,

"Did someone say fog?" Says a... Girl's voice?

"Hello, there travelers! I see you managed to come in the hours of the fog! Don't worry, it'll clear upright..." She says, as the fog suddenly moves and it reveals...

"Welcome!" Says a long-haired girl as Aoi and Samurai are astonished as Pokemon Battles were being conducted with various Pokemon.

"Welcome to Pokemon Tech! This school was nothing else but a simulated world where we educate and train young trainers to be prepared to head out and obtain all the Gym Badges for the Pokemon League!" She introduced them as students fight one another, some winning, and some losing as they right stuff down afterward.

"Wow... This place is so cool!" Aoi is shocked as Samurai scoffs,

"Who needs a Pokemon School when you can just go out in the world and fight trainers for the experience!?! As a self-trainer samurai and bug catcher, this is ridiculous!" Samurai shows his distaste for this kind of education, as the girl giggles,

"You know... You're right. Some trainers, even champions, don't tend to train at these kinds of schools. But, using this kind of knowledge trained and made the most brilliant of Pokemon Professors." She says before gasping,

"Oh! I completely forgot to introduce myself! I and Giselle. I currently am the top student, rising but soon falling and rising again after implementing the rules we go by today! Surprisingly, it taught me and my fellow students a lot about training and evolving Pokemon." Giselle states as Aoi looks on in determination,

"This place is so cool! Do you think we can join the fray too!?!" Aoi asks as Giselle giggled,

"Of course, you could! Many trainers now see this place as a perfect training ground while our students see it as a rare opportunity to train and battle against trainers from the wild depts of even the harshest of moutains. If you can see over there, trainers from all around come here to share advice and give notes to our students. They use it and utilize it, as many men and women who haven't graduated managed to obtain their degree after all the time spend to stay here." Giselle explained as Aoi nodded, rushing and surprise surprise,

"Hello, trainers. I see you have a few Pokemon on you. Would you like us to treat them?" Says Nurse Joy as Aoi and Samurai do so.

"From my observation..." Says a student observing the two,

"This one is bound to be a mixed trainer... And the other one is a big catcher... Interesting... It's not often bug catchers are traveling to places like this..." The student says before walking away, as Aoi's eyes gleam at the sight of so many battles...

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