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Anna went to the kitchen. She saw the person she came to talk to... even though she didn't want to. "Oh, hey there Anna. I'm making myself some lunch, want me to make you something?" Rachel asked, looking over at her future stepdaughter.

Anna looked down and fiddled her fingers. Something she did when nervous. 

"I was wondering if you can help me... I have a date with Matt tonight... Nothing big. Just pizza and a movie. But I'm nervous, and don't know how to... get ready." She told the woman. Rachel perked up.

Anna was coming to her for boy help!

But then a memory hit her. Hannibal had romantic feelings for the teen in front of her. But... Rachel couldn't say anything. So, she smiled and turned the stove off. "Of course! Why don't you go get out different outfits for the date, and I will be up in a moment." Rachel told her.

Anna nodded, and walked away to go do as the woman told her. Rachel sighed. She hoped Hannibal won't do anything. She wanted Anna happy.


Anna watched Rachel look over the clothes Anna had. She watched as Rachel grabbed a white long sleeve shirt, and some fitted jeans. The shirt was new. The shirt was made of a lighter fabric, it was also a v-neck. And thanks to it being a lighter fabric, she wouldn't get hot in the sun.

Her jeans were a lighter blue in color, and it fit the teen's lower form. Anna looked casual yet dressed up at the same time.

Moving to Anna's hair and make-up, Rachel braided the girls long hair, then rolled it into a bun. Leaving some hair free to frame her face. For her make-up, Rachel did something casual but noticeable at the same time. Her lips a pretty redish color, making her full lips pop some.

Anna put her sneakers on, but Rachel gave her some white flats to go with the whole look

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Anna put her sneakers on, but Rachel gave her some white flats to go with the whole look. "A beautiful young lady." Rachel praised, looking at the girl in the mirror. Anna blushed. "You really like Matt huh?" Rachel asked putting the make-up away.

Anna shyly nodded. "I do... I hope it doesn't ruin our friendship if us dating doesn't work out. He's the only guy who has acted romantically with me." She said. "We've known each other since we were little kids." She told Rachel.

Rachel watched her as she spoke. "Well. I've seen how he looks at you. He really likes you. So, I think things will go out perfectly. Now let me get you some money to take with you. I'm sure he will want to pay for everything. But you tell him that it can be used for gas money." Rachel told her.

Anna followed Rachel back down stairs and waited. Rachel handed the teen money. Knowing that this teen can be trusted when it comes to money. Alex wasn't. Rachel trusted this girl.

Once handed the cash, Anna stuck it in her pocket. She went back upstairs to go get her hand bag, she came down and sat down nervous for the date tonight. Rachel looked over at the girl and smiled softly.

This must be her first date ever. So, she went over and put a hand on the girl's shoulder. "It's ok to be nervous. This is your first date. it's a huge thing!" She told the girl. Anna looked up at her. "We've kissed... but that's it. I've not done anything else. But when you're dating someone, they expect more than kissing. And I don't think I'm mentally prepared for that." She said honestly.

Rachel sat down beside her and wrapped her arm around Anna's shoulder in a motherly way. "If they push you into doing things that you aren't comfortable, then you don't need them. You shouldn't be pushed into things. If he pushes you into something, then you walk away." Rachel told her.

Anna nodded and looked down at her fingers. 

"So... um.. How has things been going with your sessions with Dr. Lector?" Rachel asked. Anna shrugged. "He seems like he wants to help me. But that's his job. We have been going out of the office to get hot chocolate or ice cream while we talk. It's nice to get out of his office." She said,

Rachel frowned as she nodded. Rachel felt like that Hannibal taking hero out of the office, was his way of taking her on a date. That's what it seemed like to the woman.

But she refused to say it out loud.

Looking at the time, Anna got up. "I should be heading to the dock now. He should be on the way." Anna told the woman. Rachel stood and hugged her. Anna gave an awkward hug back. When she was released, Anna went outside from the back door, and headed down to the dock to wait for Matt. 


Hannibal watched the two as they sat there eating pizza, and chatting. Anna laughed at something that Matt guy said. It made Hannibal's blood boil. The boy reached out and rubbed the corner of Anna's lip. She blushed and used her napkin. 

She had pizza sauce on her face.

Soon the two got up, and headed out to the movie theater next door.  Matt actually held her hand. Anna was so shy holding the pathetic boy's hand. The two were going to see the most recent Nick Cage comedy.

Hannibal made sure to get a seat close enough to see the two teens to make sure that Matt doesn't do anything wrong, but far enough that they wouldn't see him. Once inside, he watched the boy buy a large popcorn for the two to share and two drinks. 

The two went on their way to their seats. Hannibal did the same.

Once the movie started, Hannibal went between the movie and watching Anna. He liked that she was enjoying the movie and smiling brightly. Even laughing at the funny parts. But he tensed when that boy hold her hand. 

With the reclining seats, he wasn't able to wrap his arm around her. Anna looked at the boy and smiled before turning to the movie.


Matt took Anna for ice cream when the movie was over. He then took her back home on the boat. While standing on the dock, he stood there with her. "Is it ok if I kiss your cheek. I don't know if you would want me to actually kiss you again yet." Matt said nervously. 

Anna blushed. "It's ok to kiss me." She told him nervously. He gave a boyish smile, and the two shared a kiss. It wasn't long, and yet it wasn't short. It was a very sweet kiss. The two were blushing and smiling shyly one it was over.

"I'll see you Anna." He told her before getting back in the boat and riding off. 


Getting into her room, Anna leaned against the door squealing in girlish delight. Her first official date! She undressed and got a shower. She then got her nightgown on before going to bed. 

A smile on her face as she fell asleep.

Poor Pretty Little Anna *Yandere Hannibal/The Uninvited Crossover*Where stories live. Discover now