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Simon pulled into the coffee shop where his partner Paul was going to meet with him. They were going to be getting coffee and then head to a new crime scene. He saw Paul waiting for the coffee, and as Simon walked up to him, Paul was given the coffees.

"Oh good. Coffee." He said as he went up to Paul. Paul didn't even turn to Simon as he held up a cup for Simon to take, which he did. "Up late again Walker?" Paul asked as the two went to put the things they wanted into their cups.

"Of course. This case is a big one." Simon said, not telling his friend that he wasn't as focused on the case as he should be. But more focused on a person involved in it. Someone he shouldn't be focused on.

Anna seems to be a part of this whole thing, but he wanted to know why. maybe if he solved the case, he could leave and forget about her haunting eyes.

The eyes that haunted him when he closed his eyes. Damnit! He sounded like some pervert!

"Still uncomfortable with the doc?" Paul's voice broke through Simon's thoughts. He chuckled and shook his head. "More like he's uncomfortable. The whole family thing isn't Hannibal's thing. Not after his loss." Simon told his partner as they headed outside.

"Oh yeah, I remember you telling me about all that." Paul told him nodding his head.

Simon shrugged. He wasn't born when that all happened. So, he wasn't really affected by it all. Simon leaned against Paul's car as he took a sip of his drink.

The two were starting to talk about the case when the phone rang. Simon looked at his phone, frowning when he saw Alex was calling him. Excusing himself from his partner, Simon answered the phone.

"Alex? Is everything ok?" He asked but heard sobbing.

"It's Anna! She's missing!" Alex sobbed. Simon's body froze hearing this. "What do you mean?" He asked rushing to his car. "We went into town, and she did a photoshoot. But I went to the store to pick up some things while she was doing it. And when I came back. Her bag and phone was on the ground broken." Alex sobbed.

He got the address of where Alex was, and soon arrived.

Alex rushed over to him. Her father and future step mother was there as well. He even saw Hannibal. He looked concerned.

He spoke to the cop who was there after giving Alex a hug.

They were about to watch the security tapes but then there was a shout. They found Anna!

Simon and Hannibal bolted to where the other officer was, a pale girl in his arms. Anna's head was back and her hair messy. Simon went over and saw that her clothes were ripped, and she was beaten.

Whoever did this was angry with Anna. But who would be this angry with her? "Take her to the hospital. I'll be there after watching the tape." Simon told the officer. The officer nodded and went off to the others.

Simon heard the cries of her family. He turned to look at Hannibal. "Can you have one of the family members watch the tape as well? In case they know who took her?" He asked his relative. Hannibal looked at him, and nodded before also leaving.

Simon took some deep breaths before going to meet the owner of the shop who had the security cameras.


Hannibal watched the screen with Anna's father, Stephan. Watching Anna on the screen happily standing there waiting for Alex to return. She was sitting on a bench outside of the photoshoot studio.

She looked up and saw a woman and man coming up to her. Anna's body had tensed, but she stood. The three spoke but soon the woman slapped Anna and the man punched her in the gut and dragged Anna away.

It was a hard thing to watch for everyone.

"Any idea who they are?" Simon asked Stephan, who was covering her mouth with tears in his eyes. The older man nodded. "Those were Matt's parents." Stephan told the Detective. Hannibal's blood boiled.

They were punishing Anna for what HE did. They harmed HIS Anna! They would pay for this greatly.

Poor Pretty Little Anna *Yandere Hannibal/The Uninvited Crossover*Where stories live. Discover now