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That night Anna laid in bed all night. She couldn't sleep. She couldn't get today out of her mind! Her mind wouldn't rest. Lady Elsa's words going through her mind on repeat. 

What if what Lady Elsa told her was true? What if all that mumbo jumbo was real? Or is Anna grasping straws so she could have a reason to say she wasn't crazy? 

Anna didn't know. She listened to some soft instrumental music to try and keep her brain calm, but it wasn't working at all. She looked at the wall and licked her lips as she sighed deeply. 

Seeing that she wouldn't go to sleep without any help, she got out of bed and walked out to see if there was anything in her dad and Rachel's bathroom to take to help her sleep. 

She tried to be quiet as they were asleep in bed. Though, when the light behind her turned on, he realized she wasn't quiet enough. "Oh dear Lord, I thought it was Alex... Anna? What are you doing?" It was Rachel. 

Anna froze for a moment before looking at her. "I um. I was looking for something to help me sleep. I didn't mean to wake you up." She mumbled. Rachel tilted her head a moment before going over.

"I wasn't sleeping yet dear." Rachel informed. She got a bottle and handed it to Anna. "Take this melatonin and close your eyes." She told the girl. Anna nodded and took it from the nurse. "Thanks. Sorry for disturbing you again." Anna quickly rushed out of the bathroom, back to her own room.

Going to the bathroom she shared with Alex, Anna used the sink water to take the pill Rachel gave her, hoping it worked quickly, Anna swallowed and tucked herself back into bed.

Anna was soon asleep. Not hearing the door open and eyes checked on her.


The next morning, Anna decided to go back to hear Lady Else out. She needed answers. And she needed them now. 

So, once Anna was dressed, she headed back out to where Lady Elsa's shop was. Lady Elsa was waiting for her. She smiled seeing the teen. "Hello again dear. I was wondering when you would finally return." She said sipping her tea with her eyes closed.

"What did you mean when you talked about Dr. Lector?" Anna asked. Lady Elsa's eyes opened to looked at her. "Go on back to the table room my dear. I will make you some tea." Lady Elsa instructed.

Anna let out a deep breath before going to the room she left Lady Elsa at yesterday. She sat down and fiddled with her fingers. Still a nervous habit she hasn't been able to break just yet. Soon, Anna heard the jingle of the beads on the doorway that indicated Lady Elsa entering the room.

Lady Elsa sat in front of Anna just like she did yesterday. But this time, she handed Anna a cup of hot tea she made. "It's a brew I make myself." She explained. Anna took the cup and sniffed it. She could smell mint. Taking a sip, Anna had to stop from making a face. It was quite bitter.

"You have to get use to the taste." Lady Elsa said amused by the look Anna had on her face tasting the tea. "I'm sorry." Anna mumbled hoping she didn't offend the woman.

The woman waved it off with a smile. "So. About Dr. Lector.... What did you mean?" Anna asked her once more. "You have been surrounded by evil little girl." Lady Elsa informed the teen. "You are in danger. And I can help you. I can protect you if you wish me to." Lady Elsa told her.

"Please explain what is going on." Anna begged putting the teacup down. Lady Elsa pulled the matches out. She lit them and then lit the candles on the table. "I will do everything I can to explain. But I will also have questions as I do so." Lady Elsa told Anna.

Anna licked her lips nervously before nodding. If she got some answers to help her brain sleep, then she will answer what she is asked. Lady Elsa took a sip of her tea before she started. 

Anna didn't know that from here on out, Anna's life will be completely changed. And she would have to be prepared for it all. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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