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Anna looked around the place. The place filled her senses with the smell of incense. "Hello child." Anna turned and looked at the woman from earlier. She looked like what books describe as past Gypsie's. Like the ones who read fortunes and such. But she was a beautiful woman as they say they were.

"I'm glad you came in." She said and beckoned Anna with a finger to follow her. Anna gulped and looked around before following her. They went into a back room. "You are probably wondering why I wanted you to come into my store dear girl." The woman said. Anna nodded even though she wasn't looking at Anna.

"Yeah...I am." She mumbled. The woman looked at her and smiled. "My name is Lady Elsa. Come have a seat." She said motioning to a table where candles were and a crystal. "Oh. I uh.. I don't believe in this kind of things." Anna said nervously.

She wasn't scared, she actually felt safe here with Lady Elsa. But fortune telling isn't something she believed in.

 Lady Elsa just smiled. "Oh dear. I just want to see something I have a hunch on. You see things that shouldn't be there, don't you?" Lady Elsa stated. Anna's eyes widened and couldn't help but nod. 

Lady Elsa once more motioned for Anna to sit down. Anna sat down at the table. Lady Elsa started lighting the candles. Lady Elsa sat in front of Anna and asked for her hands. Anna hesitated a moment before putting her hands in the womans.

The woman closed her eyes and sighed. "Close your eyes and take smooth deep breaths. As if at the doctors." Lady Elsa instructed. Anna closed her eyes and did as instructed once more. Lady Elsa soon put Anna's hands palms up onto the table.

Anna yelped as she felt a prick to her finger. She couldn't pull that hand away, as it was held down to the table. Anna's eyes opened, and she watched Lady Elsa put the bleeding finger over a flame of a candle. 

Anna found herself in awe of what was happening and was unable to say anything. Some of her blood hit the flames and it turned the flames green and smoke started filling the area in a blueish colored smoke. But it wasn't hindering her intake of air.

In fact, she didn't smell smoke. 

"What is happening?" Anna asked weirded out by this now. She looked at Lady Elsa, who looked around her with a smile. "I knew it." Lady Elsa breathed out before looking at Anna, who looked at her confused about everything going on.

"You're just like me." Lady Elsa told Anna. 

"Like you? What does that even mean?" The teen asked the beautiful older woman. "You have gypsy blood in you. That's why you can see things. You're a psychic." Lady Elsa said. Anna didn't believe her words. She didn't believe in psychic's.

"I'm just probably crazy." Anna said wanting to get up. Lady Elsa frowned seeing the teens anxiety, and let the girls wrist go. Anna stood. "Please. I don't tell you this to scare you. It should bring you some peace. It gives you an answer." Lady Elsa said watching the girl stand and gather her things. 

"I need to get home." Anna said rushing to the door.

"That man you were with. He isn't good. He's a danger to you." The woman told her, making Anna freeze. She looked back at her. "He is evil. He has blood on his hands. I can see it. A wendigo. A tall black wendigo stands with him." Lady Elsa told her going over.

Anna's grip on her bag strap tightened.  

She stood there a moment before rushing out and rushed to her car. She drove off back home. The words and events from Lady Elsa floating around her head.

A tall black wendigo?

Poor Pretty Little Anna *Yandere Hannibal/The Uninvited Crossover*Where stories live. Discover now