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Anna and Hannibal arrived at a cute little coffee shop. She ordered a minty hot chocolate. She also got a brownie. She went and sat down as Hannibal paid for everything. She looked at her phone and hoped that she would do a good job at keeping him busy. She hoped that Alex was able to find what she could to prove that Anna wasn't crazy.

She honestly didn't know what would be better really. That she really was insane or that Hannibal had human bodies in his basement.

She didn't see anything from Alex or Simon. So, she assumed that they were busy.

Hannibal came and sat down with both of their drinks and her brownie.

"What is it that you wanted to talk about Anna?" He asked her as he took a sip of his drink.

She took a deep breath. Here goes wasting time to help her sister.


Simon and Alex went up to the door and Alex pulled something out of her bag. Simon raised an eyebrow as she started picking the lock. "I snuck out a lot and took my dad's alcohol, He started locking it up, so I had to get creative. Plus, it's a good thing to know how to do." She explained with a shrug.

She was able to get the door unlocked and she was able to get the sliding lock on the other side of the door. They made sure they had masks on so that if there was camera's their identities weren't known.

Alex went inside with Simon. The two searched for the said basement that was hidden away. Anna told them that it was hidden behind something in the kitchen, and the code. So that's where they wanted to go.

Alex looked around and noticed the door that led from his home to the other building which was his place of work. She nudged Simon and pointed to the door. He looked at her. Going over to the door, Alex got to work on getting the door unlocked.

Once inside, the two went inside. Looking around, Simon went to the computer at the desk. Opening the laptop, he frowned. Locked. Which isn't much of a surprise. But he was skilled at hacking.

"I'm going to attempt to hack into this, it could send an alert to him, so be ready to run.... actually. I want you to leave." He told her. She looked at him, but he gave her a look, making her nod and rush out of there.

Alex hoped that if Simon was able to hack in and find anything, he would let her know about it. She hoped that this wasn't all for not.


"You're birthday is coming up isn't it?" Hannibal asked. Anna nodded before she took another sip of her hot chocolate. "Yeah it's in a month." She said with a shrug. "I'm not going to do anything other then just go out for dinner with dad, Alex and Rachel. I don't really have friends to have a party with... The other person I wanted there is..." She stopped herself from continuing.

He nodded as he understood. The other person she would've wanted there was dead and buried. Of course, he himself killed the boy.

"Well. I'm sure your family is going to make your eighteenth birthday the best out there." He told her. She once more shrugged. "It's just another day for me." Anna told him honestly. Cause truthfully, after her mother's death, it became another day for her.

Back then. Her mother would bake a big cake for Anna and Alex's birthday. There would be a trip to the spa to get their hands and feet done. A dinner, then a family activity like bowling, the movies or something like that.

Now, Anna didn't really ask to do anything. And Alex went out to a party with her own friends to get hammered and laid. So, things weren't the same on birthdays.

When Anna was in the hospital, Dr. Chamberlin would go get her food from her favorite place. She would appreciate he would do that for her to help lift her spirit. But to her, it became another day after her mom's death.

But what poor Anna didn't know was the worse was going to happen after she turned eighteen.

Hannibal's phone went off. He looked and saw an alert that someone attempted to get into his system at his office. "If you can excuse me Anna. I have to make a very important call." He told her before standing and stepping outside.

Anna grew worried, and called Alex. But it was ignored. But soon a ding came to her phone.

'We got out.' It was from Alex. It made Anna sigh a sigh of relief. Anna looked up and noticed Hannibal was interrupted from coming back to her by a shorter man with really curly hair. He smiled so brightly at Hannibal. 

Anna's green eyes looked at the man who was beside the curly haired man. He was a colored man, with a blank face. But his eyes held such hatred in them when they looked at Hannibal.

Hannibal walked over. "I'm sorry Anna. I must be off. Someone broke into my home. I have to go see if anything is missing. I can take you over and your parent's or sister can come get you." He told her. He knew she had a license now, but her sister drove her over to his place. So, Anna wouldn't be able to get back home without assistance right now.

Anna looked at him. "Oh wow. That's horrifying! You go ahead. I'll go to the book store, or run errands. I'll call my sister. I hope nothing was taken. Please be careful." She told him grabbing her bag, and standing.

He nodded and rushed out, the man with the curly hair waved at goodbye as Hannibal passed by. Anna saw the two men look over at her. 

Making sure she had everything, Anna headed out of the cafe. "Hey wait up!" Anna stopped and saw the curly haired man coming up to her. Anna tensed, memories of Matt's parents running up to her still fresh in her mind.

"Hi. I'm Franklin. I saw you and Dr. Lector together. Are you two together?" He asked smiling brightly at her. Anna's eyes widened and she blushed. "Oh no. I'm a patient, I had asked if we could have our session here today for a change. I had an incident at his office, and I just wasn't ready to go back." Anna explained.

He nodded. "I'm also a patient. He's the best of the best. I have gotten so much better in my life, and it's all thanks to him." He said. "Franklin. I think you are freaking her out." The black man came over. 

Franklin looked at him, before looking at Anna. "Oh. I'm sorry I was just curious. I didn't mean to creep you out. This is my friend Tobias. Tobias. She's a patient as well." Franklin said. 

Anna gave a polite nod. "I'm Anna." She said. Tobias held a hand out, and Anna shook it. She tensed up. Something didn't feel right when his hand grabbed hers. "Tobias here is a music teacher. He's also the best of the best. So if you or anyone wanted to learn a musical instrument you need to look him up." Franklin said proudly.

Anna pulled her hand out of Tobias's grip. She gave a polite smile. "I'll keep that in mind. I should get ahold of my sister. It was nice to meet you both, and I'm glad Dr. Lector is able to help you. I'm hoping to say the same thing in the future." She gave a small wave and made her way to the book store across the cafe.

Anna could feel a dark stare on her. But she refused to look back. So, she missed Tobias's dark eyes watching her. Completely ignoring the annoyance he had around named Franklin. 

She didn't know that she had caught the attention of another serial killer. Just this one didn't have the same ideas as the other one. 

Poor Pretty Little Anna *Yandere Hannibal/The Uninvited Crossover*Where stories live. Discover now